Thunder boomed, shaking the atmosphere around the dark house. A small circle of a thunderstorm cloud spun fast in the sky and a howl could be heard upon arrival.
Raine hurriedly pushed the big box across the relentless, snagging carpet. It was full of candy to pass out this year so that she wouldn't run out like last year. Also so that after the night was over, there would be a bigger chance of leftovers for her to enjoy. Though the task of getting it to thee living room seemed much harder than it should've been since the box itself was bigger than she was.
With a satisfied sigh, she wiped her brow before dashing up the stairs to go put on her own costume.

This year she would also try the 'dressing up'. The costume seemed simple enough, though some of the hoops snagged in her hair, "Ow ow ow ow!" She rolled on the floor trying to free the tangled strands. Finally getting that unraveled, she hopped around the room trying to get the leggings on. Falling on her face several times later she was happily wiggling her feet now warm in the black fabric. "Now to get the shoes." She looked around for them. "Where did they go?" Going over to the bed to bend and look under it.
Traversing the lines of houses and whatnot, Juri had to pause and look up once she heard that initial clap of thunder. She was not expecting it to rain at all -- and the sky still looked pretty clear for the most part. The stars still sparkled here and there.
Juri frowned in thought. Then, another clap of thunder, and the tiefling was looking about again.
Why was there thunder?
Then, Jurini's eyes caught on the dark swirl of clouds that seemed to hang over one particular house. Lightning flashed here and there, and as Juri looked on in delighted awe of the location, she also figured that there must have been some kind of spellcaster that was putting a little more into drawing attention to their house for this month's festivities!
Juri's hooves clopped loudly and excitedly as she hurried over to the front of the house. Giggling rather childishly to herself, the woman paused at the door and did her best to compose herself. This was a difficult task, especially seeing as Juri loved the concept and ideas of 'Halloween' and 'Samhain'. Getting to experience it was just asking Juri not to be still for more than two seconds.
Reaching out, Juri knocked a couple times in a short rhythm on the door.
Juri frowned in thought. Then, another clap of thunder, and the tiefling was looking about again.
Why was there thunder?
Then, Jurini's eyes caught on the dark swirl of clouds that seemed to hang over one particular house. Lightning flashed here and there, and as Juri looked on in delighted awe of the location, she also figured that there must have been some kind of spellcaster that was putting a little more into drawing attention to their house for this month's festivities!
Juri's hooves clopped loudly and excitedly as she hurried over to the front of the house. Giggling rather childishly to herself, the woman paused at the door and did her best to compose herself. This was a difficult task, especially seeing as Juri loved the concept and ideas of 'Halloween' and 'Samhain'. Getting to experience it was just asking Juri not to be still for more than two seconds.
Reaching out, Juri knocked a couple times in a short rhythm on the door.
Finding her shoes in the bathroom was very odd, but she gave it very little thought. Too excited to worry about such matters. A knock at her door perked her ears. "Someone is here!" She stood up happily and forgot that a shoe was halfway clasped, she made her way to the stairs quickly. "I'm comi-woah!" A loud thumping and crashing sound came from inside while taking the tumble down the stairs.
The door opened to reveal the tricker treater. Raine was really short so she had to slightly look up at her. "Welcome!" A fanged smile followed her outstretched bowl of candy. Lighting struck harmlessly down in the backyard, "Will that be a trick or a treat?" Electricity surrounded the small girl's skin. She seemed quite perplexed at the phrase. Did I say that right? she grinned through her thoughts. "I have chocolates, candy canes, these little things called 'peeps', popcorn balls, suckers, and a whole bunch of other stuff!" Raine wasn't sure what Halloween candy meant other than it had candy and it was all the same.
The door opened to reveal the tricker treater. Raine was really short so she had to slightly look up at her. "Welcome!" A fanged smile followed her outstretched bowl of candy. Lighting struck harmlessly down in the backyard, "Will that be a trick or a treat?" Electricity surrounded the small girl's skin. She seemed quite perplexed at the phrase. Did I say that right? she grinned through her thoughts. "I have chocolates, candy canes, these little things called 'peeps', popcorn balls, suckers, and a whole bunch of other stuff!" Raine wasn't sure what Halloween candy meant other than it had candy and it was all the same.
Mango had been wandering the streets, eyes alight with wonder at all the people and their costumes traveling door to door. She had little to no knowledge on the world and its customs- being what she was- but found all of it quite intriguing! Her sensitive little nose had her haplessly following the scent of someone's candied apple; fruit being a favorite of the fruit bat hybrid of sorts. Cover it in liquid sugar and... well, it was enticing to say the least!
Not realizing how far she'd wandered into a darker part of town, the sudden crack of thunder had Mango all fluffed up and startled by the sound. Darting to a nearby bush before the towering building, the sound of chatter toward the entrance caught her rather massive ears, a twitch of them given as she listened in. Head tilted in confusion as she peeked from behind the shrub, spotting the rather large crate of goodies Raine seemed to be giving away. Much like the other houses she'd seen as she passed by, it seemed to be some strange event of free sweets and such... exciting!
Tail twitched nervously, pondering sneaking up to the others for a closer peek, halfway up the sidewalk (in sight of the two by now) before realizing everyone seemed to be in costumes of sorts. She, however, was dressed rather simply in a short white dress with long, cloud-print stockings to keep her legs warm and a long sleeve, light blue cropped sweat over top. If nothing else, her tiny little wings made her look some some sort of strange, fuzzy angel thing... maybe it would pass, she thought, as she tip toed up the sidewalk, peering at the others before her- too shy to approach fully on her own.
Not realizing how far she'd wandered into a darker part of town, the sudden crack of thunder had Mango all fluffed up and startled by the sound. Darting to a nearby bush before the towering building, the sound of chatter toward the entrance caught her rather massive ears, a twitch of them given as she listened in. Head tilted in confusion as she peeked from behind the shrub, spotting the rather large crate of goodies Raine seemed to be giving away. Much like the other houses she'd seen as she passed by, it seemed to be some strange event of free sweets and such... exciting!
Tail twitched nervously, pondering sneaking up to the others for a closer peek, halfway up the sidewalk (in sight of the two by now) before realizing everyone seemed to be in costumes of sorts. She, however, was dressed rather simply in a short white dress with long, cloud-print stockings to keep her legs warm and a long sleeve, light blue cropped sweat over top. If nothing else, her tiny little wings made her look some some sort of strange, fuzzy angel thing... maybe it would pass, she thought, as she tip toed up the sidewalk, peering at the others before her- too shy to approach fully on her own.
(Some context: Milena lives in a place that is central to portals to different dimensions. It's normal to travel for her and the people that live in her world, which is what happens here.
Goodness, the costume itched! Milena squirmed a little bit. The three children she was supervising had rushed ahead of her through the portal, dressed up in their own bizarre costumes, but unhindered by any of it. Milena followed them, not even a bit disturbed by the pull and push that led to nausea in most new travelers, and stepped out onto the sidewalk trying to orient herself. The kids were eagerly waiting for her.
"MILLY, LOOK!" The young boy, dressed as a strange contraption with gears, clocks, rods and dusted in glitter (gods knew what he was supposed to be, but he'd made the costume himself and he loved it) pointed at a nearby house. "There's a storm above that house!" The two girls were bouncing in place and cheering, dressed as bright neon colored animals that might not be familiar to this place at all. "We wanna go!"
The alpaca checked the area more thoroughly, finding that everyone was trick or treating and it seemed safe enough. "Alright kids, but stay where I can see you." Although Milena had no children of her own, the pet shop she worked at was popular with children and she'd built a reputation for being caring and attentive of them, leading to several parents asking if she wanted to supervise their kids for Halloween. She happily agreed and now here they were. The only downside was that the only costume she owned was that of an oversized chicken, poofy and big and utterly ridiculous. With a horn sticking out of its head.
But that didn't bother the kids at all. They followed the other people up to this interesting house, passing the Reverie and coming to a halt behind the hoofed Tiefling. All three of them screamed in harmonic excitement. "TRICK OR TREAT!!"

Goodness, the costume itched! Milena squirmed a little bit. The three children she was supervising had rushed ahead of her through the portal, dressed up in their own bizarre costumes, but unhindered by any of it. Milena followed them, not even a bit disturbed by the pull and push that led to nausea in most new travelers, and stepped out onto the sidewalk trying to orient herself. The kids were eagerly waiting for her.
"MILLY, LOOK!" The young boy, dressed as a strange contraption with gears, clocks, rods and dusted in glitter (gods knew what he was supposed to be, but he'd made the costume himself and he loved it) pointed at a nearby house. "There's a storm above that house!" The two girls were bouncing in place and cheering, dressed as bright neon colored animals that might not be familiar to this place at all. "We wanna go!"
The alpaca checked the area more thoroughly, finding that everyone was trick or treating and it seemed safe enough. "Alright kids, but stay where I can see you." Although Milena had no children of her own, the pet shop she worked at was popular with children and she'd built a reputation for being caring and attentive of them, leading to several parents asking if she wanted to supervise their kids for Halloween. She happily agreed and now here they were. The only downside was that the only costume she owned was that of an oversized chicken, poofy and big and utterly ridiculous. With a horn sticking out of its head.
But that didn't bother the kids at all. They followed the other people up to this interesting house, passing the Reverie and coming to a halt behind the hoofed Tiefling. All three of them screamed in harmonic excitement. "TRICK OR TREAT!!"
The Reverie had caught her attention, making her bend a bit to the side. "Welcome!" She smiled, hoping the reverie would come closer so that Raine could shower her with halloween spirit...and candy of course. The three children flew past them both, taking her back a couple of steps in surprise. Her ears almost looked like wings as they flapped about happily at them. "Happy Weenhallow-oh! I mean- Halloween!" She corrected herself. Reaching both her hands in the mass of candy, she scooped it into their buckets. "Enjoy!" She shouted and lightening waved amongst her raised, wiggling fingers. "Or the storm will take ot back!" She grinned. The three of them had hid the giant chicken in the background. Her hand shot up and waved happily about. "Happy Hallow-the-ween! Ack! Halloween!" She slapped forehead.
Looking back at the tiefling and the approaching Reverie, she grabbed another handful of varies candies. "Would the angel like some candy?" She wiggled her ears again. "And the Tiefling?" Her blue eyes transferred back to her first trick or treater. The hoops of her costume clanking together as her head turned from one to the other.
Looking back at the tiefling and the approaching Reverie, she grabbed another handful of varies candies. "Would the angel like some candy?" She wiggled her ears again. "And the Tiefling?" Her blue eyes transferred back to her first trick or treater. The hoops of her costume clanking together as her head turned from one to the other.
There was a giggle of surprise as Juri looked back at the three kiddos that said their magical words in hopes of candy behind her. Turning her attention back to Raine, Juri seemed to be all alight when she was offered the option of receiving candy from the individual. Clapping her hands excitedly and holding them out, Juri gave a short and vigorous nod.
"I would most certainly love some sugared sweets!" Juri exclaimed. "Oh!"
The tiefling then looked sheepishly surprised at herself.
"Trick-or-treat!" Juri said rather happily in remembrance of the phrase. Her tail swished momentarily in that excitement and joy.
"I would most certainly love some sugared sweets!" Juri exclaimed. "Oh!"
The tiefling then looked sheepishly surprised at herself.
"Trick-or-treat!" Juri said rather happily in remembrance of the phrase. Her tail swished momentarily in that excitement and joy.
The fluffy orange critter quickly waddled out of the way of Milena and the children, peering at them in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. So many strange creatures and costumes to see! It was almost overwhelming for the girl. Having been spotted by Raine and addressed, she thought it too late to skitter away out of shyness and simply took a deep breath, approaching the home. Normally all this darkness and doom and gloom would've frightened her off, but something about everyone's spirits had her hooked on curiosity of it all.
Once at the threshold of the home, Mango was looking at everyone and their costumes with such intensely focused eyes that it may have made them uncomfortable. Thankfully though, she would soon be distracted by the offer of free sweets, holding out her hands for lack of a candy bucket. "Yes pl- um... Trick or... Treat!" It was clear she was unfamiliar with the phrase and had simply mimicked the children whom had shouted it just moments ago. Her ears wiggled in excitement; piercings jingle-jangling all the while.
Once at the threshold of the home, Mango was looking at everyone and their costumes with such intensely focused eyes that it may have made them uncomfortable. Thankfully though, she would soon be distracted by the offer of free sweets, holding out her hands for lack of a candy bucket. "Yes pl- um... Trick or... Treat!" It was clear she was unfamiliar with the phrase and had simply mimicked the children whom had shouted it just moments ago. Her ears wiggled in excitement; piercings jingle-jangling all the while.
Raine giggled and gave candy to both of them. She was relieved that she wasn't the only one that was having trouble remembering what to say. "Enjoy your Halloween!" A mixture of different candies from all different seasons fell into the buckets and hands. Bowing to them in thanks, "Thank you for stopping by my Spooky Nook!" She came back up with a smile. "You all have wonderful costumes." looking at the children's homemade suit. Her own costume had been bought because she was too impatient to make her own. "I love your cloud stockings by the way!" She turned to the Reverie and looked over her clothes. Her tail wagging excitedly like a dog about to receive a treat. Raine looked back a the Tiefling, not sure if she came as anything but still loved the way her horns and tail looked. Even if she didn't seem to be wearing one, the tiefling looked cool just the way she was.
It was true... Juri certainly did not dress up for the Halloween or Samhain activities. She was not really sure that she was supposed to. All the time, she got compliments on her appearance during this holiday that she decided that she would just go around and get free treats.
So far as Jurini saw Halloween in general... well, it was a holiday that she felt was dedicated to her kind. It made her feel more welcome and celebrated... definitely a thing not many tieflings got to experience around the other humans, elves, dwarves, and halfings, that was for sure.
As the candies fell into Juri's hands, her expression grew in excitement. She quickly went to look at the candies she got, noticing some of the more odd cane-shaped candies that she never saw before. She held it out apart from the others, looking it over before putting all manners of candies given to her into her satchel with a grin.
"Thank you so much~!" Jurini said happily.
After she got her satchel closed and put back into place, Juriri waved and took her leave from the spooky manor.
So far as Jurini saw Halloween in general... well, it was a holiday that she felt was dedicated to her kind. It made her feel more welcome and celebrated... definitely a thing not many tieflings got to experience around the other humans, elves, dwarves, and halfings, that was for sure.
As the candies fell into Juri's hands, her expression grew in excitement. She quickly went to look at the candies she got, noticing some of the more odd cane-shaped candies that she never saw before. She held it out apart from the others, looking it over before putting all manners of candies given to her into her satchel with a grin.
"Thank you so much~!" Jurini said happily.
After she got her satchel closed and put back into place, Juriri waved and took her leave from the spooky manor.
Mango still wasn't entirely sure what all this event was all about, but you can't argue with free sweets! Stuffing the little pouch she carried at her waist full of the treats she'd been offered, Mango's massive ears twitched and wobbled happily, perked up excitedly at the sight of some fruit flavored candies she'd discovered in the bunch. Elated with the find, she smiled wide at Raine and bowed her head some. "Thank you, Miss!" She bubbled out, wandering just off the edge of the sidewalk and plopping down to nibble at some of the candy while watching more and more people come and go from the nearby houses, seemingly smitten by many of their costumes. It was definitely odd to take a seat when one's meant to go door to door, but it seemed Mango was along for the visit, curious of what newcomers may arrive.
The children perked up, holding their buckets out and gratefully accepting their loot. They busily compared some of the candies they got under Milena's watchful eye. She grinned and waved back, which just looked like a big stiff wing oddly swaying back and forth, then called towards the kids. "What do you say?!"
The trio froze and glanced at each other with obvious 'Oh crap' expressions, then turned their faces up to Raine. "THANK YOU!" One of the girls hugged the woman and then all of them dashed back towards Milena. They were showing their buckets to her excitedly; it was their first loot of the night after all! After waving once more and saying her thanks, Milena and the kids were on their way to the next house, grateful for the treats.
The trio froze and glanced at each other with obvious 'Oh crap' expressions, then turned their faces up to Raine. "THANK YOU!" One of the girls hugged the woman and then all of them dashed back towards Milena. They were showing their buckets to her excitedly; it was their first loot of the night after all! After waving once more and saying her thanks, Milena and the kids were on their way to the next house, grateful for the treats.
Having spent entirely too much time parked out on Raine's lawn, munching on candy and observing the passerbys, Mango would stand, noticing that many continued on from house to house. Curiosity beckoned to cautious creature and new as she was to this scene she felt ready to move on and explore the streets and their costumed denizens further. Running up and hugging the candy-giver without much warning, she waved happily at her while expressing her thanks before bouncing off down the sidewalk to hunt for yet more sweet treats before the night was through. As she scrambled off into the night, one could hear her shout back at the others, "Happy Halloween!"
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