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Forums » Looking for RP » Being Saved By A Human... (Starter) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Bailey Bex Don (played by XtraBubblez)

It was a gloomy day out, Bailey was sitting under a newspaper. The newspaper was by his 'house' which was really an old cardboard box, he had lived in an alley. The alley lead out to downtown, meaning there were crowds and noise and parties on every block.

Bailey was eating scraps from the Cafe's Garbage can he lived by, he watched as the crowds of people walked by him. It happened to be around 5, being it's fall, the sun was setting already. He poked his tiny head out, the sunset was beautiful with the grayish clouds around it.

He knew soon there'd be a storm, he sighed. 'Stupid rain...' he muttered to himself. He looked up to the trashcan, seeing a stack of newspaper. He ran into the trashcan, hard enough to make the stack fall down. It made a huge 'BOOM' which even made Bailey jump.

He put a bunch of newspaper and cardboard around his 'house' trying to block out as much rain. Making a lot of ruckus, made a lot of people concerned but no one really stopped, that is until one boy did.

((If interested, PM me your response to the starter!!))

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