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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Sand Edition

Ilyas (played anonymously)

Someone wandering out in the desert might be surprised to find well a GIANT DUNE with windows, a small red wooden door and a little sign that says "Yes, I have candy~" on the outside. Jack-o-lanterns somehow sculpted out of sand stood at attention by the doorways welcoming all visitors with spooky faces that would delight and excite both young and old!

Would you approach this dune house and see what sort of person would live in such a house?

Meanwhile inside the owner hurried around making sure each of his special treats were ready for guests. It was certainly going to be a good year this year, he didn't get many guests out here in the middle of nowhere, but surely Halloween would be different?
Aethaerraent (played by Kim)

The shadows twist and writhe, coming together to form the shape of an almost human creature... but not human at all, as they coalesce and leave behind glistening purple flesh and black robes beaded with arcane symbols. The creature's face is a mess of tentacles, with two bulging, milky eyes reflecting the moon light. It raises a hand to shield those lidless eyes. A hand with only four fingers, each of its fingers elongated.. do they have extra joints?

The other hand's extra-long fingers wriggles like dancing spiders, then curls gracefully into a fist. It knocks, once, twice, and then waits in loaded silence.
Ilyas (played anonymously) Topic Starter

A guest! The first trick or treater was here and what a day it was!

Ilyas swiftly grabbed his chest of treats and headed for the door. Banaged desert bandit straightened himself before creaking the red door open to take a look at his first trick or treater. He waited to see if the creature before him spoke the words most did on this day. Regardless he'd fish in the chest that he brought to the door and presented him a purple jar of what looked like sand.
However, further inspection or taste would tell the receiver that this wasn't regular sand but candy powder, oft found in Pixy Stix or like-minded candy. This was grape flavor due to the purple color.
Aethaerraent (played by Kim)

The creature did not chant the normal words. Instead, it gestured at the bottle of grape flavored powder that Ilyas brandished in its direction, and Ilyas would feel a tension on the jar as if someone else was taking hold of it. Should Ilyas release it, it would float up to hover near one of the creature's bulging eyes.

After this inspection, the bottle vanishes, and the creature turns its full, unsettling attention back to its host.

Do you have books in this hovel?

It does not speak, but its voice is clearly heard in the mind, genderless and toneless.
Ilyas (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The bandit stood in awe as the jar just floated there in front of him and vanished before he and the creature.

"Ah...B...No, no books. " Literacy was a rarity in these sands and so books weren't kept often by any of the locals. He had replied to the voice as if it was normal to have voices inside of his head. Maybe he was just used to that sort of thing.
Aethaerraent (played by Kim)

Ah. A pity, says the disembodied voice, though it's very hard to tell what the creature's real feelings are on the subject. We thank you for your offering of flavored sugar. It shall be put to use.

This statement feels a good bit more ominous than pixie-stick style sugar should EVER be, but the creature offers no further explanation. It begins to glide backward, away from the door, spidery fingers steepled before it.
Travelling out among the sandy lands that she and her partner found themselves in, Oroth bundled up to keep herself from getting too cold now that the heat was dissipating from the desert. Though she and Laucio had managed to get a campfire going, Oroth decided that she was going to go out and explore a bit, all while dragging a cane behind her to make a line in the sand that she could follow back in case her light footsteps were erased.

Despite being dressed up in pretty heavy-looking winter gear, the elven appearing woman seemed pretty content with traversing the area.

Pausing, Oroth squinted to make sure she was seeing what was before her at this point.

She rubbed her eyes and looked again.


That definitely was a sand dune with windows and a door. How peculiar!

Quickening her pace, Oroth set out to investigate what this 'house' may have been. Approaching, she also took note of all the sand sculptures and the fact that what she was looking at seemed akin to what some people referred to as 'All Hallow's Eve'.

But who would be celebrating way out here?

"Hello?" Oroth called, nearing and noting a dark figure billowing past her before seeing another person within an open door frame.
Ilyas (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The bandit wasn't any sooner saying goodbye to the weird creature when an elf by all means was standing before him. He blinked, tilted his head. Blinked one more time before saying

"Hello! You must be here for a treat" He said and scurried back in side. There was a clanging of pots, pans and other items. A loud crash. And then he was back outside the small dune-home with a jar of light red sand.

He handed to Oroth expecting her to take it. If the sand was tasted it'd be strawberry flavor.
"I suppose I co--oh..." Oroth was about to say before she saw the man at the door dart back within his home. Out of politeness, the fey woman stood outside and heard the clutter and banging from inside. At this point, she was wondering if her being here was really worth that much trouble.

When the man reappeared, Oroth looked to the proffered jar of dark pink sand.

"Oh! Thank you!" the fey princess went ahead and said, reaching out for the jar. She looked at it curiously, though smiled at the man.

What a weird 'treat' to have given someone. Coloured sand. Of course... it might have just been the rarity of it being way out here. The sands were a tawny golden colour out here after all, and the sand in the door simply... well, was not. It still would have made an interesting thing to have told Laucio when she returned to their camp.

"Have a good rest of the evening, sir!" Oroth said to the man before turning to follow her trail back to camp. She glanced down to the jar, and supposed she would explore the contents later!

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