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Forums » Forum Games » What would your character do if...

Vincent Jones (played by Chaotic)

"I'd go for a polycule, if they both would be cool with it. If not, usually the suggestion alone will have driven one, if not both potential love interest off, which is also a solution."
Vince shrugged a bit awkward.

What would your character do if... they ran out of fuel on a long drive, in the middle of nowhere?
Rebecca Kennedy (played anonymously)

Vincent Jones wrote:
What would your character do if... they ran out of fuel on a long drive, in the middle of nowhere?

"That actually happened to me once when I was driving to Austin Texas to attend college. I got out and opened the hood of my car and leaned over and looked like I knew what I was doing. I then climbed a rocky embankment so I could get cell coverage and called AAA. If my car quit again out in the middle of nowhere, it won't be do to lack of fuel. I learned my lesson and know better."

What would your character do if... they were on a sinking yacht in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii?
Ciel (played anonymously)


Ciel stared in horror at the question. "Well, considering I've been on a yacht, or rather, a cruise ship, sinking... In the Atlantic Ocean though.."

"Wait, does this yacht have undead people?" Ciel asked, lowering his voice. "Either way, Sebastian would help me."

Ciel shuddered again at the thought of his time on the Campania..

What would your character do if... one of their supposedly-dead relatives turned out to be alive after all?
"That would be.. really, umm.. strange, and stuff," Zero uttered, his mouth suddenly dryer than the Konian badlands. Whether it was dad or.. well, Mad Madina who suddenly turned out to be his 'grandma', he wasn't keen on having to confront either. Not after the whole tower bizz.
⠀⠀"Though.. if I could pick, somehow, I'd be really excited to meet my mom! I don't care if she'd be a zombie or stuff, I've seen those before. Not like I ever really knew what happened to her, dad never told me, I guess. I don't even know what she looks like. I heard you get all sorts of fun stuff from your parents, though, so I guess she's the one who gave me the curls!" To illustrate his point to those who had already noticed the big puff of bright white hair on his head, Zero patted his hair with an ear-to-ear smile. Clearly, this question got his mental gears grinding.
⠀⠀"I think I would ask a lot of questions, anyway. No matter who turns out to be alive and stuff. There's so many stuff that I didn't get to ask and that I didn't know about. I didn't even really know my dad was a cyborg until he.. you know.." He flung his hands around to describe something that his words couldn't. The memories still felt fresh, painful, and somehow he wasn't able to feel really sad about it. It was like his brain was holding him back from actually feeling something. It felt weird.
⠀⠀"But uhh.. yeah. In short, I just wanna ask whoever turns up alive a loooooooot of stuff! About how I was born, why I got all these cool magickal tricks, why I never met my mom and stuff. What happened to my dad to make him.. you know, like that." How would he ever describe what'd happened to total strangers? Meh, maybe he didn't have to. That made him feel better, at least.

"Anywayssss! What would you do if you woke up one day and found out you've been turned into something that you're most afraid of? It can even be something that doesn't really exist outside your brain and stuff! Like, uh, I dunno, maybe if ghosts aren't real in your world or something. They are in mine, though!" Happily splurting out whatever came to mind, Zero was doing an amazing job at burrying all the weird feelings that the previous question had dug up. That was good. Because, you know, games were supposed to be fun.. and stuff.
Jeff (played by Brunchfastfordinner)

"I would just kinda just think I'm dreaming and go back to bed and if I was still in that form I would just send the rest of my time crying until something happens"

Jeff laughs a bit

"Anyways...What would your character do if................................................................................ They could not say any word with the letter e in it?"
Santiago (played by SillySpider)

Santiago thinks about it for a moment. "I do not ... ugh ...." He crosses his arms.
"Thīs has to stop...." He does not like this sudden change.

What would your character do if everything smelled like cheese?

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