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Forums » Introductions » Hello

Ilmarinen Moderator

Ben836 wrote:
I'm new here, an RP'er from FF and have finally decided to branch out a bit.
Right now, I'm a college student, studying physics and other such things.

My favorite kinds or RPs are usually based on comics and anime.

So, uh, hi and everything?

Welcome! My mother is a physics professor, mostly for grad students, and an advisor for people going after their PhDs and Masterseses, so I appreciate how tough the field can be. Good luck with it, man!
Kim Site Admin

Ben836 wrote:
Kim wrote:
Welcome to the site, and cool major! Physics are rad.

How are you settling in so far. Is there anything we can help you with? :)

I've just been searching around looking for RPs, know any X-Men based ones?

Looks like there's a few groups that might match your interest as well:
Welcome to RpR, what is "FF"? Also I am a up coming college student myself, time to learn how to juggle classes and rp lol.

Anime is neat, got any favorites?

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