This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Erravium is a relatively low key world that's mired in the old ways of magic. Swords, sorcery, and superstition were the norm... until about a month ago. An organization from beyond the stars has recently found their world and has decided to induct them into their "Federation." The locals weren't quick to trust them, but with technology like theirs, attack wasn't the best option. People are trying to adjust as best they can, but mistrust for the influx of others coming from other worlds is to he expected. As a new arrival to this world, you've found that the locals aren't quick to trust you. Try to make your way as best you can...
(Setting here is dungeonpunk- classic sci-fi tropes mostly powered by magic. Technology and magic are woven together as one. Lasers, mithral bullets, spellcasting, and opening gates through space are relatively commonplace.)
(Setting here is dungeonpunk- classic sci-fi tropes mostly powered by magic. Technology and magic are woven together as one. Lasers, mithral bullets, spellcasting, and opening gates through space are relatively commonplace.)
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Ah, Furrin would be perfect for this.
Roeme was made for an Rp like this!
(I am ready whenever.)
I recently made this character and have not tried her out within an rp yet, so if you do want one more, I'd be happy to join. No worries if you are good with those you have though.

This will be enough for now. I'm closing this forum. Anyone else interested, PM me.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Erravium (closed)
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