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Forums » Introductions » Please Help No One Is Responding

I've been posting like I do on other pr sites I've been on but I don't know if I'm doing it right.

Oh Hi! Welcome to RPR ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ This is the friendliest website you could ever get on! My names Holly-Leaf as you can see, but you can call me Holly or Leaf. So let's forget about me, and talk about you! Yeah, you may be right, there is a point where no one responds, and it can happen here too. Sadly no one can ever escape the boredom of inactivity. But why do you think your not doing it right? And what are you not doing right?. Just Pm with me and we can talk if you want! So what's your favorite rp?? Anyways welcome!
Kim Site Admin

Hi Avatar_Rash,

Welcome, and I commend you on your enthusiasm for jumping in! You're definitely missing a vital piece of information about how things normally go here, though, but don't worry, we can help! :)

I see you made a post directly on the Fantasy RP forums:

This is a great start! But most people don't feel comfortable jumping directly into a RP without being specifically invited here -- you may want to start by posting on the Looking For RP forum, describing the type of RP you want to do and what kind of characters would be a good fit for it. You can link to your already started RP if you like, which will certainly give people a flavor of what they'll get when they jump in.

I see you've also joined in to some other topics, which have either asked you not to jump in without invitation or have not yet responded (though it's been only an hour, so all those people might be in school right now or something.) Again, most RPs here are not open for anyone to join unless they are marked as "open" in their topic title. Most people's RP journey will begin on the Find RP board. :)

Hope this clears it up! Let us know if you have any more questions or concerns. :)
Sanne Moderator

Welcome to RPR! Kim is right, our community usually defaults to asking if it's okay to join and waiting for an answer, and using the Looking for RP forum to find a partner before creating a roleplay. It can be different than what you're used to, but it works really well to find a good match.
Hey Avatar_Rash, welcome to RPR! :)
Hello and welcome to RPR! I Hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hi Avatar! This site is pretty koo. Hope you can find someone to rp with! Have fun on this site!
Do you like cannons?

Welcome, Avatar. If you have any questions, or could just use some friendly pointers or guidance, feel free to ask around, or I'm available through PM if you'd prefer discretion! Either way, welcome welcome!

Welcome to RPR! i hope you enjoy it here oh and im Gothic_Girl but you can call me gothic or goth! i hope you make new friends and play in some awesome role plays! if you need help or want to role play feel free to message me!
Nice to meet you! If you need help with something you can come to me I know quite a bit about this site but not as much as some.

We're friendly and open. Welcome to RPR. If you wanna RP.Hit me up.
Hi, welcome to RPR :-) Good luck! I'm sure you'll settle in fine soon.
Welcome to RPR! :) Hope you find some RP friends really soon!

Welcome to RPR!~ If you need a rp buddy, or have some questions, feel free to ask!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Please Help No One Is Responding

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