Hello everyone! I've role played a few times before and it really makes me happy. I have a passion for creating stories and characters like a lot of people haha and it's my dream to have a career involving just that. I had previous rp's (3 years worth) but the people I were with weren't very nice because they stole my characters or didn't work together with me so I came here to try and love role playing fully like I once did. I am very open to stories and what can happen in them. I tend to stick to fantasy with some drama. I don't really role play to actual books, movies, games, I just love original characters and stories. I'm actually quite a shy person unforntunetly, like a lot of people, but if someone would like to talk about a potential role playing story that would honestly probably make my day. No, scratch that, week. I really, really love ones that involve romance. I really hope to be able to create fantastic stories and characters with just as fantastic people!
Hello OpenTo! I hope you have a fun time here on RPR! Enjoy Roleplaying on this site! Its very well designed.
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Hey OpenToThings, welcome to RPR!
Thank you very much! Yes from what I've looked at on this site it is very impressive and I look forward to what's to come.
He opentothings hope you have a blast here have fun and make friends and have fun roleplaying
Welcome to RPR, one of the more friendly roleplay sites ever. Have fun and don't fret to message me or anyone.
Hi Open, welcome welcome! Feel free to take everything at your own pace, no rush. We have a lot of people who deal with shyness, so we understand. Thankfully your favorite genres are pretty popular so it shouldn't be too hard to connect with folks.
Let us know if you need help with anything!
Let us know if you need help with anything!
Wow! You all are so very nice haha. Thank you, you all are already making me not regret coming onto this site and are actually making me even more excited to explore and try to branch out!
Holly-Leaf wrote:
Welcome to RPR! So, OpenToThings, you seem very opened to things. (≧∇≦)Hehe get it...
Welcome to RPR!
And so, the search began thus. A bright soul floating in a world of gray. It came to rest upon a pedestal, made of words and thoughts. This pedestal reached up around the soul, wrapping it in the strange warmth that its letters would rise to form around it.
"Welcome, to the RPR."
"Welcome, to the RPR."
What an awesome username! Sounds like you're going to fit in great here.
Kim wrote:
What an awesome username! Sounds like you're going to fit in great here.
How has your experience been so far?
Kim wrote:
How has your experience been so far?
Welcome to RPR! Fantasy and romance are pretty popular around here so I'm sure you'll have some awesome roleplays going in no time!
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