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Forums » General Roleplay » Warrior Cats RP

Ceci (played by Ceci035)

"Right, and I'll go back to sleep!"
Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

(Do you think HollyStorm could love someone from another clan?............ I dunno, but I think it'd be epic)
Ceci (played by Ceci035)

(Sure, break someone's heart, but sure)
Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

Ceci (played by Ceci035)

(Funny, you didn't ask whose.)
Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

(What do ya mean?)
Ceci (played by Ceci035)

(You didn't ask whose heart would be broken, not that I would tell you, but ya know)
Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

(Whose. Mine ain't it?)
Ceci (played by Ceci035)

(Nah, someone else's in the clan)
Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

(*Gasp* ohhhhh I can't wait! So what do you want the guys name to be)
Ceci (played by Ceci035)

(Give me a second)
Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

Ceci (played by Ceci035)

(How about.......... wait, can it be an apprentice)
Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

(What....... nooo......... dunno?)
Ceci (played by Ceci035)

Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

(Okay. No. )
Ceci (played by Ceci035)

(Okay, his name is Flameheart)
Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

(Okie, what clan?)
Ceci (played by Ceci035)

(Dunno, he's your character's love life)
Holly (played by Holly-Leaf)

Hmmm... so we're next to wind clan and shadow right? No river)

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