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Forums » Art & Creativity » I'm Sorry. .:KuroxDan:.

(I'm sorry if this forum should go somewhere else but I wrote a short story and though y'all might like it. ^^ Dan and Danu does not belong to me, they belong to HetaliaFanGirl aka Taylor, my BFF.)

Kuro and Danu were hanging out in the local park when two guys grabbed them from behind. They were dragged into an alleyway and the guys pulled a knife on each of the two girls. Kuro grabbed her pocket knife out of her boot while Danu grabbed her gun but one of the guys stabbed her in the back before she gets her hand on it. Danu let out a gasp in pain and fell to the ground as the guy let her go. Kuro struggled to get away from the other guy but she ended up stabbing the guy in arm, making him let her go. She stood in between the guys and Danu; the guys came at her but one got a knife to the gut and the other a foot in the face. Danu tugged at Kuro's shirt weakly, causing her to look at the white haired Wiccan. Danu handed Kuro her pistol for better protection than her simple pocket knife. Kuro nodded and took the guy, she shot the guys in the head before turning to Danu.

The stab went straight throw her back, it almost hit her heart. She was losing blood, and fast. Kuro was trying to no throw up at the irony smell of blood. She took off her black hoodie and tried to wrap it around Danu but she stopped her.

"No, Kuro we both know it's time." Tears started running down Kuro's cheeks from her two toned eyes.

"What? No. Danu, no, you can't die, not yet." Kuro cried as Danu started to bleed more and more blood. Danu had a soft smile on her snow white face. She pulled Kuro into a hug and tried to calm her.

"I'm sorry, Kuro, but it is time. Promise me one thing, you won't tell Danaan how I died." Kuro nodded numbly and hugged Danu. She hid her face in Danu's shoulder to try and hide her salty tears.

She felt Danu go cold and looked at her. She saw the light in her eyes was gone, along with the life in her. Kuro shook Danu's lifeless body, screaming for her to come back. The tears streaking her face did not stop. She held Danu's body, crying into her white hair.

After crying her eyes dry, Kuro pulled out her cell phone and called 911. Her voice was still raspy from all of her cries and screams for Danu. "Yes ma'am, I need an ambulance, right away." She spoke into the phone and gave the woman her location before glancing over at the two other guys. Soon an ambulance came, along with two police cars. The police told her to get away from the crime scene, and she did so. She told them that those two guys tried to kill her and Danu, but they only killed Danu. She was white knuckling Danu's pistol.

The police tried to take away the gun from her for evinced but she wouldn't let go. Kuro told them to take her pocket knife instead, little did she know she would regret it. The police took her black pocket knife that Daren gave her for her fifteenth birthday, which Danu had a fit about. She had forgotten that Daren died two days ago, from just witnessing Danu's demise.

Kuro had been staying at Danu and Dan's house since she couldn't stand being alone in her and Daren's house, with the memories of her older brother. She had a hard time staying in now Dan's house because memories of Danu floated around. From her short temper and childish behavior, to her kind smile and gentle voice. It all brought tears to her mismatched eyes. Dan had been gone to go to see the crime scene and would be back in a few minutes, but for Kuro it felt like hours. She no longer have her best friend, or her brother. Dan was the only person she had left, her boyfriend. She was surprised by how cool Danu was with it but not surprised that Daren went to protective brother mode.

The door opened then closed, causing her to look up to see Dan. He looked over at her as well then walked over at her. He noticed that she had been crying by her eyes being bloodshot and there was puffy bags underneath. He sat down next to her on the couch and held her. He stroked her hair, trying to calm her down while he was hurting just as bad as she.

"It's alright, Kuro. Please don't cry." Dan's voice was gentle and soothing as he continued to stroke her hair. Kuro cried into his chest, hiding her face from the fact that she was weaker than she looked. Dan kissed her head, trying desperately to calm her down.

After a few hours, Kuro finally stopped crying and looked up at Dan. She wiped the last of the tears off her cheeks. She tried to smile at him but it was a weak attempt.

"You should get some sleep; you've had a long day." Dan let her go and stood up, stretching out his hand to help her up. Kuro took his hand and stood up.

"What about you, Dan?" She asked him, with a raspy and choked up voice.

"I'll join you after I get some work finished, alright?" Kuro nodded and took his hand. He led her to his bedroom; she was going to be sleeping in his room since neither of them wanted to go to Danu's room for the memories of her to cause them both to break into tears again.

Dan opened the door and let her in. Kuro told him she would be fine; that he shoulder get that work done. He kissed her goodnight before leaving her in his room. Kuro got changed into some night clothes and laid in his bed. She didn't find sleep until after a few hours pasted, but she only woke to seeing Danu's death over and over in her head.

Kuro was fast asleep when Dan came in and got changed. He crawled into the bed beside her, kissing her forehead. He too, had troubles of falling asleep with the memory of the crime scene and Danu's lifeless body.

~Next day~

Kuro woke up before Dan and got out of bed. She changed into her day clothes and walked out of his room. The memories of what happened last night kept driving her crazy. She fixed herself something to eat, along with making Dan something to eat when he woke up. Cooking always calmed her down and relaxed her but what happened last night caused her to have some troubles for once. She pulled out a knife and put it to her wrist, this was something she hadn't done since she met Danu. She was about to cut her wrist when Dan came in and grabbed the knife before she could.

"Kuro, what the fuck are you doing?" His voice was strained with worry and pain. He hated seeing her in pain, even if she caused it to herself. Kuro looked up at him and hugged him, her face hidden in his chest.

"I'm sorry, Dan. I-I just can't stand not seeing her. She was my best friend." She sobbed as he stroked her hair, saying soothing words in her ear in Japanese since it was the language she knew best. Dan knew how she felt and wanted it to end as well but he was trying to not let it end when she needed him.

"It's alright, Kuro, I know it hurts." He said in her ear as she sobbed into his chest.

"I want to see them again." She said as she pulled away. "But there is only one way." She looked up at him, to show that if it was the only way then she'd be willing to do it, for her brother and best friend.

Dan shook his head. "Kuro, no, we can't. It would hurt them to see us dead."

"We already saw them dead! There is no difference; we could all see each other again." She was trying to convince him that it would work, but he wasn't going to do it.

"No, Kuro, please you can't really think it would be better if we died." Dan was trying to not to agree to this since he wanted to see his sister and best friend again as well.

Kuro saw how he wanted to do this as well. "Please Dan, I can't live knowing that they are dead and never coming back." She plead, trying desperately to convince him.
Finally, letting out a frustrated sigh, Dan nodded. "Alright, but we can only hope that they don't see this." He went to the kitchen drew where the knives were kept at and returned to Kuro. He held her close to him, tears falling out of his purple eyes. He let go of her and handed her one of the knives in his hand.

"Kuro, are you sure you want to do this?" He asked which got a reply of a nod. He kissed her before holding her close again. 'Danu, I'm sorry, but you're gone. I can't stand it anymore.' He thought as he rose the knife over Kuro's back. 'Daren, forgive me, I need to see you again. I need my big brother.' She though as she rose the knife of Dan's back.

"I love you, Kuro." Dan spoke into her ear as he kissed her cheek.

"I love you, too, Danaan." She whispered in his ear as tears ran down her cheeks.

They both moved the knives forward, into each other's back. Kuro let out a gasp in pain as Dan did the same. They both fell to the floor, in each other's arms, dead.";

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