This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
(Warning: Will definitely contain gore and violence)
Starter Quest:
Four people meet in a small tavern in the seaside village of Sarton, strangers to one another, adventurers, mercenaries, merchants, but all came to this place for the same reason. A figure shrouded in a dark cloak with white writing scrawled over it in the dimly lit far corner watches them, waiting for them to notice its presence.
(This setting and style is meant to be similar to that of The Witcher 3)
This rp will be set in the land of Falaroth, a land populated by dungeons, ruins of forgotten cities, isolated hamlets and sea town, battlefields populated by those unhumans who eat the dead, and cities and towns with castles constantly bearing down upon them. The land is made up of rolling hills, mountains forests, and fjords and is shrouded in fogs and mists giving it an almost otherwordly appearance, with the sun rays being broken and blotted out and the grass constantly shining with dew. Three factions exist, the kingdoms of Miriajaar, Firilan, and Thaodia, and they are constantly warring with one another, but the current year is one of a tense peace.
As far as races, there are your standard races, men (most common), dwarves, orcs, half-orcs, goblins, hobgoblins (less common), elves (uncommon), giants and half-giants (uncommon-rare), and were-beings, vampyres (mortal vampires), and vampires (rare).
You can suggest your own races but they aren't as flexible as classes.
Class types are flexible, but here are some suggestions.
Knight-errant (A wandering knight, most likely in search of chivalrous affairs.),
Knight (these men are usually contractually bound to nobles who pay them with land in return),
Forester/ranger (one who is trained in survival mostly, knows much about nature.),
Priests (holy men who spread the word of their god and employ a wide variety of magical tactics that are extremely effective against evil beings.)
Mage (magic user, with different types, battle mage, elemental mages [earth, fire, water, etc.], necromancer/dark mage, healers, blood mages, illusionists, shadow mages, invokers etc. etc.)
These are, again, pretty flexible so feel free to suggest your own.
Please fill out this character sheet if interested:
Physical Appearance:
Skills, abilities, magic:
Backstory: (Optional)
Starter Quest:
Four people meet in a small tavern in the seaside village of Sarton, strangers to one another, adventurers, mercenaries, merchants, but all came to this place for the same reason. A figure shrouded in a dark cloak with white writing scrawled over it in the dimly lit far corner watches them, waiting for them to notice its presence.
(This setting and style is meant to be similar to that of The Witcher 3)
This rp will be set in the land of Falaroth, a land populated by dungeons, ruins of forgotten cities, isolated hamlets and sea town, battlefields populated by those unhumans who eat the dead, and cities and towns with castles constantly bearing down upon them. The land is made up of rolling hills, mountains forests, and fjords and is shrouded in fogs and mists giving it an almost otherwordly appearance, with the sun rays being broken and blotted out and the grass constantly shining with dew. Three factions exist, the kingdoms of Miriajaar, Firilan, and Thaodia, and they are constantly warring with one another, but the current year is one of a tense peace.
As far as races, there are your standard races, men (most common), dwarves, orcs, half-orcs, goblins, hobgoblins (less common), elves (uncommon), giants and half-giants (uncommon-rare), and were-beings, vampyres (mortal vampires), and vampires (rare).
You can suggest your own races but they aren't as flexible as classes.
Class types are flexible, but here are some suggestions.
Knight-errant (A wandering knight, most likely in search of chivalrous affairs.),
Knight (these men are usually contractually bound to nobles who pay them with land in return),
Forester/ranger (one who is trained in survival mostly, knows much about nature.),
Priests (holy men who spread the word of their god and employ a wide variety of magical tactics that are extremely effective against evil beings.)
Mage (magic user, with different types, battle mage, elemental mages [earth, fire, water, etc.], necromancer/dark mage, healers, blood mages, illusionists, shadow mages, invokers etc. etc.)
These are, again, pretty flexible so feel free to suggest your own.
Please fill out this character sheet if interested:
Physical Appearance:
Skills, abilities, magic:
Backstory: (Optional)
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Iron age
The world IS war, but there may be RPs that don't feature it. Warhammer Fantasy/40k, etc.
Details: Occasional dice use, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Hi, can I join? Here is my character sheet:
Age:18 y.
Weight:187 pounds
Species:Half dragon, half human
Physical appearance:He has a red and black dragon tail, red dragon eyes, six black horns on a head, red dragon eyes and sharp teeth. Except that he looks like a normal human, and he has a blonde short hair. He is tall and quite slim.
Gear:A cloak with a hood, for hiding, and a knife, but he doesn 't use it much.
Abilities:He can change into a Full Dragon Form, when he gets angry, and can be in this form for ten minutes. He can talk with animals, and he can sense strong emotions.
Backstory:His parents were killed when he was ten. He started to live in the forest, and created friendship with many animals in it. After eight years, he decided to finally get out of there and went to an adventure.
Age:18 y.
Weight:187 pounds
Species:Half dragon, half human
Physical appearance:He has a red and black dragon tail, red dragon eyes, six black horns on a head, red dragon eyes and sharp teeth. Except that he looks like a normal human, and he has a blonde short hair. He is tall and quite slim.
Gear:A cloak with a hood, for hiding, and a knife, but he doesn 't use it much.
Abilities:He can change into a Full Dragon Form, when he gets angry, and can be in this form for ten minutes. He can talk with animals, and he can sense strong emotions.
Backstory:His parents were killed when he was ten. He started to live in the forest, and created friendship with many animals in it. After eight years, he decided to finally get out of there and went to an adventure.
Drago wrote:
Hi, can I join? Here is my character sheet:
Age:18 y.
Weight:187 pounds
Species:Half dragon, half human
Physical appearance:He has a red and black dragon tail, red dragon eyes, six black horns on a head, red dragon eyes and sharp teeth. Except that he looks like a normal human, and he has a blonde short hair. He is tall and quite slim.
Gear:A cloak with a hood, for hiding, and a knife, but he doesn 't use it much.
Abilities:He can change into a Full Dragon Form, when he gets angry, and can be in this form for ten minutes. He can talk with animals, and he can sense strong emotions.
Backstory:His parents were killed when he was ten. He started to live in the forest, and created friendship with many animals in it. After eight years, he decided to finally get out of there and went to an adventure.
Age:18 y.
Weight:187 pounds
Species:Half dragon, half human
Physical appearance:He has a red and black dragon tail, red dragon eyes, six black horns on a head, red dragon eyes and sharp teeth. Except that he looks like a normal human, and he has a blonde short hair. He is tall and quite slim.
Gear:A cloak with a hood, for hiding, and a knife, but he doesn 't use it much.
Abilities:He can change into a Full Dragon Form, when he gets angry, and can be in this form for ten minutes. He can talk with animals, and he can sense strong emotions.
Backstory:His parents were killed when he was ten. He started to live in the forest, and created friendship with many animals in it. After eight years, he decided to finally get out of there and went to an adventure.
Looks nice! You're in.
I'ed like to join this RP using Myra. All of the information needed can be found on her profile.
floatch wrote:
Drago wrote:
Hi, can I join? Here is my character sheet:
Age:18 y.
Weight:187 pounds
Species:Half dragon, half human
Physical appearance:He has a red and black dragon tail, red dragon eyes, six black horns on a head, red dragon eyes and sharp teeth. Except that he looks like a normal human, and he has a blonde short hair. He is tall and quite slim.
Gear:A cloak with a hood, for hiding, and a knife, but he doesn 't use it much.
Abilities:He can change into a Full Dragon Form, when he gets angry, and can be in this form for ten minutes. He can talk with animals, and he can sense strong emotions.
Backstory:His parents were killed when he was ten. He started to live in the forest, and created friendship with many animals in it. After eight years, he decided to finally get out of there and went to an adventure.
Age:18 y.
Weight:187 pounds
Species:Half dragon, half human
Physical appearance:He has a red and black dragon tail, red dragon eyes, six black horns on a head, red dragon eyes and sharp teeth. Except that he looks like a normal human, and he has a blonde short hair. He is tall and quite slim.
Gear:A cloak with a hood, for hiding, and a knife, but he doesn 't use it much.
Abilities:He can change into a Full Dragon Form, when he gets angry, and can be in this form for ten minutes. He can talk with animals, and he can sense strong emotions.
Backstory:His parents were killed when he was ten. He started to live in the forest, and created friendship with many animals in it. After eight years, he decided to finally get out of there and went to an adventure.
Looks nice! You're in.
Still looking for people? I've never played the Witcher 3... But I have done fantasy before... I tend to base a lot off D&D/Pathfinder, as they are inherently balanced setups.
And well, I'm a fairly dark person.
Name: Isabella Cotton
Gender: Female
Age: 25...ish.
Height: 5' 8" (2.06 m)
Weight: 147 lbs (66.68 kg)
Species: Human
Physical Appearance and Gear: Click Here!
Class/Occupation: Sorceress
Arcane knowledge
"Grave Touch": You can touch a living creature to make it shaken (uneasy,nervous). Already shaken creatures become frightened (terrified).
"Grasp of the Dead": You can cause a swarm of skeletal arms to burst from the ground to rip and tear at your foes. The skeletal arms erupt from the ground in a 20-foot-radius burst.
"One of Us": Your form starts to rot. (I'm playing like cannibalism slows/reverses this, while using spells other then cantrips accelerates it) Undead see you as one of them. Immunity to cold, nonlethal damage, paralysis, and sleep. Unintelligent undead do not notice you unless you attack them.
Spells: TBD based on group/story.
"How did I get my power?
"I was still born. Ah. See? Had your attention, but now I have your curiosity. Come in. Close the door. Sit. Listen. No. Not there. That blocks the fire. Yes. There is fine. Oh, I am so glad I could have you for dinner. Have you tried the wine? Here.
"Good, yes? Now where was I? Oh, yes...
"You think magic is free? Well, that's wrong. Nothing in this world is ever free. I have seen men give their lives to get what I have. So much time... So much life... All lost to their books and their studies; their gods and their beliefs.... But they get it in the end. They might even say it's worth it.
"And they would be right. Because here is the thing... The magic... It is life. So you have to give... To make room to get something back. And the more you give... The more you get back.
"And oh, did I give. I gave it all. When it was still pure... Untouched. Before I even had a chance to take my first breath.... But... I came back. Or... Maybe... Maybe I did not. I exist somewhere else. Neither living... Or really dead. But... Magic is life...
"It fills me. It flows through me. Each breath I take is because of it. But the more that flows... the more I use... The less alive I become... Like silt in a great river getting pushed around... It... Changes me and even can shift the current. More. New directions.
"Oh! You dropped your wine. No. No. Leave it... I will... clean it up later.
"So... How do I keep myself...? How do I stay... Alive? How does anyone? You eat. It is one of the most basic of nee- What? Oh. I poisoned the wine. It... I am not effected by it.
"Actually, I should apologize... Not for that. Or what I am about to do. That would be like the wolf telling the lamb it was sorry. Rather, I wish I could say this will not hurt... But it will. Quite a bit. The powder for paralysis... It hides easy in the wine... But to dull your pain? That would have just.... ruined the taste. That would have been a disservice to you.
"But you understand now, at least.
"Magic IS life..."
And well, I'm a fairly dark person.
Name: Isabella Cotton
Gender: Female
Age: 25...ish.
Height: 5' 8" (2.06 m)
Weight: 147 lbs (66.68 kg)
Species: Human
Physical Appearance and Gear: Click Here!
Class/Occupation: Sorceress
Arcane knowledge
"Grave Touch": You can touch a living creature to make it shaken (uneasy,nervous). Already shaken creatures become frightened (terrified).
"Grasp of the Dead": You can cause a swarm of skeletal arms to burst from the ground to rip and tear at your foes. The skeletal arms erupt from the ground in a 20-foot-radius burst.
"One of Us": Your form starts to rot. (I'm playing like cannibalism slows/reverses this, while using spells other then cantrips accelerates it) Undead see you as one of them. Immunity to cold, nonlethal damage, paralysis, and sleep. Unintelligent undead do not notice you unless you attack them.
Spells: TBD based on group/story.
"How did I get my power?
"I was still born. Ah. See? Had your attention, but now I have your curiosity. Come in. Close the door. Sit. Listen. No. Not there. That blocks the fire. Yes. There is fine. Oh, I am so glad I could have you for dinner. Have you tried the wine? Here.
"Good, yes? Now where was I? Oh, yes...
"You think magic is free? Well, that's wrong. Nothing in this world is ever free. I have seen men give their lives to get what I have. So much time... So much life... All lost to their books and their studies; their gods and their beliefs.... But they get it in the end. They might even say it's worth it.
"And they would be right. Because here is the thing... The magic... It is life. So you have to give... To make room to get something back. And the more you give... The more you get back.
"And oh, did I give. I gave it all. When it was still pure... Untouched. Before I even had a chance to take my first breath.... But... I came back. Or... Maybe... Maybe I did not. I exist somewhere else. Neither living... Or really dead. But... Magic is life...
"It fills me. It flows through me. Each breath I take is because of it. But the more that flows... the more I use... The less alive I become... Like silt in a great river getting pushed around... It... Changes me and even can shift the current. More. New directions.
"Oh! You dropped your wine. No. No. Leave it... I will... clean it up later.
"So... How do I keep myself...? How do I stay... Alive? How does anyone? You eat. It is one of the most basic of nee- What? Oh. I poisoned the wine. It... I am not effected by it.
"Actually, I should apologize... Not for that. Or what I am about to do. That would be like the wolf telling the lamb it was sorry. Rather, I wish I could say this will not hurt... But it will. Quite a bit. The powder for paralysis... It hides easy in the wine... But to dull your pain? That would have just.... ruined the taste. That would have been a disservice to you.
"But you understand now, at least.
"Magic IS life..."
Alright guys, these characters look great! I'll put up the thread soon.
Ok, the thread is up
I'll be posting as Angrim as both a character and as a GM. I'll differentiate the posts
I'll be posting as Angrim as both a character and as a GM. I'll differentiate the posts
Would there be a possibility I could join this RP? I understand I am late in replying, however it seems interesting.
BossMcFloss wrote:
Would there be a possibility I could join this RP? I understand I am late in replying, however it seems interesting.
Sure, PM me. I think you're gonna be the last one accepted though.
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