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Forums » Looking for RP » A Druid's Campfire (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


The sounds of war and suffering plague the continent. In the distant regions, many cities and villages are being raided and ravaged by an unknown enemy who hails from the west. Many parts of the continent have been affected, where it seems almost everywhere is in sight of some sort of devastation. The once faintly singing forests have fallen silent, most likely because of the distant wails of death and sorrow in the distance. The creatures of legend and myth have become even more so reclusive due to the current on goings, you'll be lucky if you even catch a glimpse of a griffon or wyrm at the wild's edges.

And then there's the travelers and refugees, some attempting to escape the sorrow, for at least a little while.

During your escape, wandering, or seeking of tranquility, you come across what seems to be a dirt path in the middle of the forest. When you so happen to follow it, you come across a secluded encampment, complete with a roaring campfire lighting up the night, with stump and log chairs around it. In one of these is a strange looking man. To be honest you wouldn't even be able to tell if he's human or not. He spots you near the bushels and ferns, and says "Ah, a traveler I see. Come, have sit down, have you seen or heard anything of what's been going beyond the forest's edge?"


Sometimes you just want an RP to have a sit down at a campfire and share the stories your character has collected over the years, don't ye? Obviously, this will feature minimal or no combat, but with plenty of tales and chatter to be told. This is a more relaxed type RP, to give a chance to tell about what your character's story is, for all to hear, as well as the possible tragedies they faced outside the forest walls.

You must be able to speak at least decent english. A typo every now and then is alright, everyone makes mistakes, but no using shorties, and your sentences must feature commas and full stops.

Post length is negligible due to the nature of one of these RPs. Just give us something to work with.

Fantasy characters preferred.

I'm looking for roughly four more people to join.
Magic 70%
Magic is fairly common. Players and NPCs important to the tale may have it. Mistborn.
Technology 30%
Combat 30%
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.


I guess this could help build an unfinished character.
I suppose this'll make a 7th should you accept me.
I'll try to use a character other than Zero. Give me a bit to figure it out, if you will.
I can throw in a Salty Zombie Knight if you'd be interested.
Draken901 Topic Starter

That'd be alright. - Boss

If you say so. - Perry

Sounds like a deal. - Overlord
Actually. I don't really have any characters that I'd like to use here. I'll have to pass this one up.
Draken901 Topic Starter

Long story short, a surprise happened in my life and I can't really start another RP right now. Sorry about that. I hate when I have to do this.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » A Druid's Campfire (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus