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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Warriors of god: body of ashes

Jarvis (played by Rudito01)

Ok guys ive been wanting to write a book for a while, but i keep getting stuck. i kneed your help i can have 3 characters minimum the max is 8. if i can get thing published i will give credit to everyone that helped. in here you can take control of any character. i will take every thing that is written here and edit it. if you have any questions to the post email me at
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

Jarvis walked into school. this was his first day at this new place. he didn't know anyone. all he knew was that sooner or later something was going to happen that got him kicked out of here.something bad always happened, like at his old school. an explosion that took place during a boring biology lecture. the seat he sat at exploded out of nowhere and he got blamed for it.
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie looked at the boy in the seat the exploded. She just chuckled and turned around. She looked at the teacher who was almost turning red and who started yelling
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"i didnt do it!" said Jarvis
"well then the seat just exploded by its self"
"yes i had nothing to do with it"
"to the principals office now!"
"fine" Jarvis left the room unwillingly
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie looked at the guy and then to the teacher. " oh teacher may i go get some water? " Her words were sweet and kind
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

the teacher looked at her"make it quick"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie smiled and nodded her head. She stood up and walked to the fountain. She made sure no one was around. She softly disappered and appeared next to the door. She looked into and saw the kid and the principle. She reached in her dress and pulled out a dagger. She kept it close to her side
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"your first day here and you are getting expelled i think thats a new record Jarvis"
"well you know im talented like that"
the principal looked at him over his glasses while he filled out the form to get Jarvis expelled "tell me what you did"
"like i told the teacher i dont know"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie looked at him. He truely did nothing wrong. She disappered and went into the room. Her dagger the only thing showing but the principle did not see her. She flew behind him and then turned so she looked like a human. She put her finger to her lip, telling the boy to be quite.
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

Jarvis saw the girl with a horrified expression.
"you have been kicked out of seven schools already. i think you need to start acting like you'r age jarvis"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie held her dagger close and then she quickly, in one motion, slit the guys throat. The principles body fell to the floor and Cassie acted fast to make it look like the guy had not died.
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"took you long enough i cant stand being stuck with these humans"
Cassie (played by wolfkill11)

Cassie glared at him, " You did nothing but listen to him. And what did i also see that exprossion you had " She said touching her dagger to her lip
Shaien (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Shaien had watched the whole scene unfold before her outside the window in the room along with her hidding in a tree. She never wanted to go to school so she never did but she was smarter than she looked. Sadly most people did not get passed the fact that she had gray skin, yellow, organe, and gold horns, black eyes with gold whites.
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

"come on lets get out of here before they call the police"
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

Jarvis took her by the hand and exited through the window "you remember where the portal is right?"
Shaien (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Shaien flinched backwards when they came out the window, which knocked her out of the tree. "Shit.." she landed on her butt when she fell but for her it wasn't to far of a fall. She looked at the over two, thinking they knew she saw everything and was going to probly kill her to keep her quiet.
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

Jarvis saw her fall he moved towards her" what did you see?"
Shaien (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Shaien flinched when the guy stepped towards her. I'm totally dead. She though, not knowing weather she should tell him that she had seen everything that happened, minus what got him expelled in the first place.
Jarvis (played by Rudito01) Topic Starter

with no answer Jarvis picked her up and took her with them"how far till we get to the portal?"asked Jarvis
"about ten minutes"said Cassie
"i wish we didnt have to walk this much"said jarvis
"you need the exercise"

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