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Forums » Looking for RP » Hidden forces (a Star Wars rp) Au (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

My name is Jadi ( I am currently as I'm recording this 25 years of age...I can guess that by looking at me you've guessed I'm a species not native to the galaxy. This I know not if it is true or false...but enough about probably wish to know my story no? Then let us begin...

In truth I know nothing of my life prior to the age of three. As a young one I lost my parents to the cold when our ship crashed on the ice planet of Hoth, the only reason I survived was because I was able to take shelter within the remaining prices of our ship.
I then spent the majority of my childhood fending for my life in the frozen wasteland afterwards living off what I could which included a steady diet of TaunTaun (I might've spelled that wrong ) and the frozen herbs I was able to dig up below the ice(which took quite awhile as you can imagine ) remained this way for three years afterwards. Till one day I heard a peculiar was a low hum like the burning of an engine,I quickly took off and out of the cave from which I was hiding and ran. When arriving to the source of this noise I had discovered a small scavenger ship that must've been there hiding from the galactic republic and their troops, exiting from the vehicle came a man dressed in robes...he wore a strange hooded brown cloak that seemingly smelt of alcohol.
I was perplexed...this man wore the robes of a jedi and yet he drank...had the council fallen so low?, as it turns out I had wondered aloud because the large man turned to me and asked a simple question
"Would you like to leave this miserable hunk of ice"...

A few minutes later I for the first time in ages found myself within the dark reaches of was glorious to see so many colors now besides white.
The man I had met refused to give me his name...his face however is not something I'd soon forget, the man had tanned skin and black hair, he was rather young as well but definitely not as young as I...he held this gentlemans smile that seemingly brightened up my day every time I felt down. He was a Jedi master who had found himself adrift in the cosmos before crashing on my former home...but what really held my attention was the boy behind him who resembled himself very much...when I commented on this he stated that the boy was his nephew named Dajyin. The boy looked at me strangely and often made stupid comments about my appearance
Such as how my white hair looked ratty, or the creepiness of my olive white skin. Eventually the man (who I had now learned to call master) brought us to the Jedi temple where upon we where both tested and deemed fit to practice in the ways of the Jedi...

Over the years me and Dayjin would grow close as friends
(As much as he liked to flirt with me )and where nearly inseparable as partners. Our only other friend was a curios boy named Anikin who was a former slave...eventually he was sent on a mission to protect a senator from naboo which he was quick to fall in love with, eventually Anikin would leave the order by choice so that he could pursue love...he would eventually become the most well known pod racer in the galaxy.
At first we thought his decision idiotic because he basically just gave up...we saw it as cowardess...of how very wrong we where...

Soon enough me and Dayjins feelings increased beyond that which the Jedi order allowed...when consulting the council about this I was advised to let go...but it didn't feel right to just let wasn't that simple...then I said the the words that defined everything I did from that point on...I told master yoda that he was wrong...that live could not be repressed and that it was a natural thing..the VERY will of the force itself.

Eventually we both made the decision to leave the order and their ways...but upon doing so...we didn't feel the immediate disconnection with the force like so many before us had described...on the contrary...we felt even stronger.
Even after leaving the order me and Dajyin continued to practice the force in our own way...we encouraged feelings of love and helped to suppress hatred and misunderstanding, soon enough we where discovered and forbidden from teaching our methods...even sooner afterwards false propaganda began to depict us as users of the dark side.
Eventually we where forced to leave the more populated planets in the system to retreat to my former home...the ice planet of Hoth...along the way we collected children from broken homes,some that where homeless, and others that where willing to learn...we soon settled and began to make a home for ourselves on the ice and Dajyin even ended up having a family of our own...and the Republic remained blissfully unaware of or existence...until one of my children got himself into a situation that unknownst to him would impact the galaxy greatly in the years fallowing

(Looking for Jedi and members of the order to discover new prospects to the force and a new way of teaching...or to scrutinize it and defame it...your choice )

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

I assume thos rp takes place during the time of the clone wars yes? Before the empire and all that?
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

It's an au...meaning that while the clone wars did take place...things turned out much differently because of a few details that changed
Ok, but hat point in the timeline does this take place? Is it around the time of the empire in canon?
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Yes it's see without Anikin at his side to draw suspicion palpatine wasn't found out till later...and that gave him enough time to escape...he now lives on an old sith home planet of Korban and has his own secret sith training camp of group was formed by two former jedi knights who left the order to Persue love but still maintained a strong connection to the force they began to teach the acceptance of all positive emotions while letting the negative ones out in ways that where non violent
(Physically any way...they can really hurt your pride though) you can imagine the Jedi did not take too kindly to this and forbid their they fled...but not before gathering some of their own younglings to teach and eventually having their own children themselves...until one of them finds himself in a sticky situation when he is found on courasaunt by the Jedi order while trying to preach their message.
Ah ok. Well, I think I might join.
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Thank you for the consideriation
Just need to figure out my character XD
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Would this rp still be available?
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Yes it is
Raider-jack29 Topic Starter

Pm me

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Hidden forces (a Star Wars rp) Au (closed)

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