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Forums » Introductions » Hello, RPR folks!

Ah, hello again. I am not new to Rping, or to this site. I have finally managed to scrap enough quarters from under the couch cushions and the glass piggy gathering dust on my shelf, to buy a computer. On this, I hope to start drawing again. Maybe even attempt some commissions...after all, it has been a while.

Fantasy themed rps are my specialty, and if your patient enough to deal with me on more scifi related stories, I may try getting into that as well. See ya from the flip side!

Yours Truly,
Sanne Moderator

Well, welcome back either way! :) What username did you have before on RPR? (You don't have to share if you're not comfortable, but your account looks shiny and new!)

I'm looking forward to seeing your art around. Please do share it with us whenever you can!
Hey, welcome back MiniCosmicBunny :)
SybilShine Topic Starter

I used to be Demoradi, I believe. I knew my old computer was going to crash soon and it would be a while until I could afford a new one.

Yes! My first artwork on this will be my profile picture. Fitting I think.

hey, welcome back to RPR! :D

if you're ever wanting to chat, feel free to try out the OOC chat thread sometime! there's usually a couple people hanging around, and you might make some new friends! it can be turned into a live chat by pressing the Launch Chat button.

seeya around, and have fun!
Hello Mini! I hope you have a fun time here on RPR!
Ilmarinen Moderator

Welcome back! I'd love to see your artwork, too. :)
Welcome back! I wish you luck in finding your feet again. If you need help, there are a lot of helpful staff and users who will be more than happy to help. Me? I'm just a mushroom.
What's up!? Welcome back to the community! We're happy to have you again, regardless of the time spent away.

SybilShine Topic Starter

Aww! What a cute bear!

Thank you all, I hope to stick around longer this time.

Welcome to RPR!

Nice username.
SybilShine Topic Starter

Thank you, Asroc!
Hiya! I'm glad you were able to come back around ^_^ Are things different than you remember?
SybilShine Topic Starter

Oh, yes! There is alot of things that are different. If only in subtle ways.

Couch Money. The best money you could ever get. Welcome back.
Looking forward to roleplaying with you. :D
Welcome (back!) to RPR! :) Hope you're having fun here!

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