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Forums » Looking for RP » Pokemon: Turf Wars (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

This has been made into a group! Please go here!

Idea to have all the evil teams from the series in the same region, fighting over turf, pokemon, resources etc. If it gets popular enough, I'll make a group! Note that because we're RPing criminals, there might be violence and more mature themes.

I've thrown most of them into alliances with each other based on their goals and just who I think would probably be working together. But the alliances aren't set in stone. There can be split ups, betrayals, etc.

Skull and Rocket
Magma and Galactic
Aqua and Flare

Plasma's the odd one out. We can say they were already wiped out, somebody can make a new team to be their ally, or they can be with Cipher from Colosseum/Gale of Darkness. I'm leaning toward they were wiped out, but if someone really wants them I'm flexible. Also I can switch around the alliances, not that hard.

We might need people to play the leaders and admins. Otherwise, any pokemon trainer OC with a more chaotic tendency is welcome to join as a member of a team. You can convert existing OCs! I don't mind.

Here's the list of canon roles:

Rocket Boss Giovanni
Magma Boss Maxie
Aqua Boss Archie
Galactic Boss Cyrus
Plasma Boss Ghetsis(if we decide to not have them wiped out)
Flare Boss Lysandre
Skull Boss Guzma

Rocket Admins Archer, Ariana
Magma Admins Tabitha, Courtney
Aqua Admins Matt, Shelley
Galactic Admins Saturn, Mars
Plasma Admin Zinzolin
Flare Admin Xerosic
Skull Admin Plumeria

Admin roles CAN be replaced with OCs, or a second admin can be added in the form of an OC for Plasma, Flare and Skull.

The region this takes place will be a new one that I will make once I get all my ducks in a row. So who's interested?
Magic 60%
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Technology 50%
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

I'm interested. So I basically need a character and a Pokemon. Can my character still do battle as well with his Pokemon. That would be awesome.

How Archie or Maxie sounds tempting to me.

Guzma also...oh man...
Dragoncat Topic Starter

Phoenix_Avatar wrote:
I'm interested. So I basically need a character and a Pokemon. Can my character still do battle as well with his Pokemon. That would be awesome.
Well of course! It IS a Pokemon RP :) You'll have to list the team on the profile or here.
Asroc wrote:
How Archie or Maxie sounds tempting to me.

Guzma also...oh man...
You can have both Archie and Maxie if you want. My OC that I'm working on will be from Galactic, but our boy Guzma (lol) kinda takes him under his wing at some point despite Skull and Galactic not being allies. Would add some drama maybe...but I'm still debating claiming him. If you take him it would work too.

Can I be in Aqua? With a Glaceon!

(I think I'm doing this right......)..... ╮ ( ̄ 3 ̄) ╭
Dragoncat Topic Starter

Holly-Leaf wrote:
Can I be in Aqua? With a Glaceon!

(I think I'm doing this right......)..... ╮ ( ̄ 3 ̄) ╭
If you're okay with like...PG 13 stuff, sure. You'll need to make a character or convert an existing one.

My OC has been added to the OP, check him out. You might get some ideas :)

Dragoncat wrote:
Holly-Leaf wrote:
Can I be in Aqua? With a Glaceon!

(I think I'm doing this right......)..... ╮ ( ̄ 3 ̄) ╭
If you're okay with like...PG 13 stuff, sure. You'll need to make a character or convert an existing one.

My OC has been added to the OP, check him out. You might get some ideas :)

Okie :3
I haven't decided on which character to use but I would like to dual wield Pokemon. I would like to use Lucario and Luxray...or do I need to start them off in their base forms?
Dragoncat Topic Starter

Phoenix_Avatar wrote:
I haven't decided on which character to use but I would like to dual wield Pokemon. I would like to use Lucario and Luxray...or do I need to start them off in their base forms?
Considering Merc has a raticate, you may have a lucario and a luxray.

By "dual wield" do you mean double battles? That's ok too.
Awesome. I will use my character Thorn.

Dragoncat wrote:
Phoenix_Avatar wrote:
I'm interested. So I basically need a character and a Pokemon. Can my character still do battle as well with his Pokemon. That would be awesome.
Well of course! It IS a Pokemon RP :) You'll have to list the team on the profile or here.
Asroc wrote:
How Archie or Maxie sounds tempting to me.

Guzma also...oh man...
You can have both Archie and Maxie if you want. My OC that I'm working on will be from Galactic, but our boy Guzma (lol) kinda takes him under his wing at some point despite Skull and Galactic not being allies. Would add some drama maybe...but I'm still debating claiming him. If you take him it would work too.

All three sound tempting.

Whoever I chose. I shall make a profile.
Dragoncat Topic Starter

Phoenix: What team do you want him to be in? He'll also have to be human, and not the demon/alien thing he is in his profile, just for this RP.

Asroc: Awesome. Take as many as you want though, don't feel restricted to one.

I'll use Holly, if that's fine with you.
I would like to be team galactic. With Houndoom and Luxray as my Pokemon. And Lucario as my Pikachu. And yes I am content with him being just a human.
Merc (played by Dragoncat) Topic Starter

Awesome, added both of you!

And I'll be using this guy. His parents are Mars and Saturn.

Thank ya!
Dragoncat Topic Starter

Okay peeps! We have enough to start, but might need more later so I'll keep this open. Keep your eyes peeled for an OOC topic popping up in RP Discussion.


And it is there! Please do any further discussing in the OOC topic.
Dragoncat Topic Starter

It appears that Phoenix has bowed out :( Still open!
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

I'm tempted to join as a Team Snagem high ranking member with a Shadow Gengar. :P
Dragoncat Topic Starter

Archer wrote:
I'm tempted to join as a Team Snagem high ranking member with a Shadow Gengar. :P
This takes place after Snagem and Cipher are out of the picture, and there's already a Rocket Admin named Archer. But feel free to poke around in the group! Linked to it in the OP, still under construction,

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Pokemon: Turf Wars (closed)

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