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Forums » Looking for RP » This is a High School RP?.... (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


Sure is! So I've been seeing rp's of High school. Everywhere! And I haven't seen a single one like this one. So my idea was to have a High School Rp. But for animals! Ya know same old, same old. Just replace the humans with animals.

Yeah, this may seem like the stupidest idea you have heard in ages, but hey. My middle name is stupid.

There will be nocturnal classes

There will be day classes.

There will be magic classes

There will be dorms.... even tho it's high school.

It can be a fantasy animal, extinction animal, current animal, fandom animal (Example: Pokemon) any animal you can think of!

So. Okay. Join if ya want to. Don't if ya don't.

Oh and if this gets lots of people, I'll make a group :3

(If I figure out how to....)

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » This is a High School RP?.... (closed)

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