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Forums » Looking for RP » Zombie Apocalypse (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

hi guys! in little hype from the new season 3 of walking dead game anyone want to try a zombie apocalypse maybe? :3
option 1: our character could be apart in the apocalypse and meet while surviving
option 2: we could already know each other before the apocalypse happened and survive together
option 1: we could live in the city
option 2: we could live in the countryside
option 3: we could live near the ocean
(where ever you want to base where we live :) or work together to figure something out :) )
bad person or good person (depending on the situation)
option 1: we are on our own and meet in survival
option 2: we have a party with us working together (if this is so we would have to think of what type of characters)
option 3: we just have each other to survive together
Or if you guys wanna rp from walking dead season 3 game continuing from episode 1 or episode 2 and make our own continuation of it i dont mind :3 also let me know if you have any ideas, their are more things to discuss so let me know~ ^-^ i shall also be making a character for this too :D
I think it'd make more room for intrigue if our characters met after the beginning of the apocalypse. I'm also pretty drawn to the idea of the countryside, maybe on the outskirts of a city?
I have five characters and they tend to stick together so that would be my group but if you want, I can just use one ^^
kawaiicupcake Topic Starter

Thich wrote:
I think it'd make more room for intrigue if our characters met after the beginning of the apocalypse. I'm also pretty drawn to the idea of the countryside, maybe on the outskirts of a city?
I have five characters and they tend to stick together so that would be my group but if you want, I can just use one ^^

sure! :D would you like to message me and we can talk about more plans?? :D and sure that would seem more fun :3 i shall make my character too, i have an idea in mind for her :3 and yeah would seem quite cool to have it on the outskirts of a city and thats awesome! :D

How many people would you be interested in having in the RP?
Alice rodgers (played by kawaiicupcake) Topic Starter

CoolShortie wrote:
How many people would you be interested in having in the RP?
well I would like to try it 1v1 and i really dont mind :) i have made a character for the rp too :)

Have you found anyone to RP with yet?
I think this is a really cool idea! Do you plan on have a group role play or is it strictly 1x1
Alice rodgers (played by kawaiicupcake) Topic Starter

Nura56 wrote:
I think this is a really cool idea! Do you plan on have a group role play or is it strictly 1x1
I am more for 1 x 1 if that's okay? :D I might make one for a group rp sometime though :)

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