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Forums » Introductions » Hello to all :3

Hello I'm Yuri, I wanted to try something out like this. But anyway I mostly RP Orignal and sometimes fandom like Dynasty Warriors and Samuari Warriors,Naruto(But not that much anymore) but clearly I rp Orignal OC with my world or somebody else worlds as well. *I hope you don't mind that my grammar is somewhat off at times*

You can check out some of my OC's here :
Sanne Moderator

Hi YuriSan!! Welcome to RPR :3 You have some neat artwork there, I'll be looking forward to seeing you around. :)

Just let us know if you have any questions.
YuriSan Topic Starter

Aww thank you :)
Welcome to RPR. :) If you ever want to RP you can just hit me up on a PM or whatever. :3

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hello to all :3

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