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Forums » Looking for RP » science experimentation rolepla (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

experiment 00213 (played anonymously)

"P L E A S E - E N T E R - C O M M A N D - C O D E_


O P E N I N G_ _ _ |

welcome to the lab! You are looking at the descriptive file for area #00213. This location is built around experiment 00213, who is not to be moved from the location built for him.

You are an old worker from the lab, though you have just gained clearance to do a medical check on experiment #00213 for the first time since he has been here, due to the extreme pain he had seemed to be going through. Upon the removal of the experiment you look at his pale form, bleeding and injured. Feeling pitty for him to decide to break him out, deciding to do so when the guards arent under.such high command.
Sabotaging his cell, you get him out. It is dead at night and you are.running through the woods surrounding the base, practically dragging a clumsy 00213 behind you, not to mention his nudity as he follows considering the lab never supplied the experiment with clothes....

--E N D - O F - D E S C R I P T I O N_P L E A S E - M E S S A G E - I F
Y O U - W I S H - T O - C O N T I N U E_ T H I S - T R A N S C R I P T
I S - T O - B E - V I E W E D - 1V1 - W I T H - E X P E R I M E N T--

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

experiment 00213 (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Ah! I forgot to add, this rp is nonsexual, more of a medical thing i guess i could say, and no, in the orginal post i am not in character. Basically that was just a computer diologue and a scenario descriprion. If you have questions, ask! I dont bite!
Sure, I'll play. :)
experiment 00213 (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Saple wrote:
Sure, I'll play. :)
okay! Pm me!
I think you'll have to pm me, since your character is anonymous.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » science experimentation rolepla (closed)

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