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Forums » Looking for RP » Roaring Twenties... With cats? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Viktor Thornsdale (played by PerryInc)

What was that...?

Eyes open. You recognize the sound of a gunshot, very close by to your house. A single shot. Why is this happening at three in the morning? Suddenly you hear another footstep. In the kitchen. Whatever it was, it wasn't very stable, and soon you hear silverware clattering to the floor from the counter.

Suddenly a voice from outside. Vicious and authoritative.


What do you do?

This setting is placed in an anthro variation of the 1920's where while a few different anthropomorphic species exist (feel free to PM me if you have questions about your character. Chances are I will accept just about any species), the gangs were mainly feline species, known to be ruthless in their business.


This setting is strictly anthro.

I require literacy and quality of course. I'm going to work to give my partner everything they need in every post of mine, and will provide a very well written environment for my partner to explore. In exchange, I expect quality back from my partner. At least enough for me to write something for their character to react to. This can be anything from a single paragraph, detailing their actions, to several.
I tend to feed off my partner's effort, and that's what will make or break the RP.

Be prepared for at least some violence. Ahem. Especially in the beginning here. There are gangsters, so you can only expect. Perhaps some bloodshed. It depends on where things go from there.

If, and I mean if... If the RP turns to romance, I'm fine with that. But only if it's a side affect of my character and your character's plight. Gender doesn't matter. My purpose isn't to make a romance so much as it is to make a good story.

If you're interested, PM, and we can discuss further. Looking forwards to writing with you.

i would love to request an audience with you~

you already know i'm interested, but i'm just dropping this post for the notifications.
I think this sounds fun! Unfortunately I don't have an anthro character, and have never done ine before. If things gi fizzle with all the others and you still want to roleplay, I might try to create an anthro character for this. Looks like you already have people interested though.

if you want to know reliable and truthful facts about roaring twenties, is ready to help you!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Roaring Twenties... With cats? (closed)

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