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Forums » Introductions » Yep. You lost the game.

Awww yeah! Finally made one! Anyone care to chat with me, if they are a fellow Furry on Furcadia?
Names are Spuddie and Loni. :)
guess you're not eating that cookie eh? Mind if I have it? Lol, and welcome
Sanne Moderator

Sith lord apprentices never lose the game! They are the game. I don't care what anyone else says. XD

Welcome to RPR :3 I'm not really a furry although I do enjoy roleplaying anthro characters. I saw your character Spuddie pop up in the character list last night and thought she's rather cute!
LoniSpuds Topic Starter

I guess you can have the cookie. I am pleased to be on here. :) Thank you for your kindness.
berserker544 wrote:
guess you're not eating that cookie eh? Mind if I have it? Lol, and welcome
LoniSpuds Topic Starter

Well it was supposed to be an original topic. Hahaha, thank you for the welcoming! It is appreciated.
Sanne wrote:
Sith lord apprentices never lose the game! They are the game. I don't care what anyone else says. XD

Welcome to RPR :3 I'm not really a furry although I do enjoy roleplaying anthro characters. I saw your character Spuddie pop up in the character list last night and thought she's rather cute!
Others (played by Minerva)

Do not, and I repeat, do not let my old fursona meet your wingcat. The cuteness would cause some sort of universal paradox and invert or something.
Kim Site Admin

Wait wait, what game were we playing? What were the rules? WAS I NAKED AND TAKING A TEST? SOMEONE WAKE ME UP! D:

Errr. Hi! Welcome to the site! :D
Hi, what game were we playing again? I had a glass of wine and seem to have forgotten whats going on? I dun play furcadia YET, but I am downloading hear so much about it, might as well try it :D
I think... I have not played an anthros, animals and the like for... Ages! But I used to love doing so,.

I could dig around and find a character or two of the kind. Hm.

Anyways, don't mind my blabbering for now, hello and welcome (from another noobie)!
LoniSpuds Topic Starter

Why thank you! ^^
LoniSpuds Topic Starter

Charlene De'Vix wrote:
Hi, what game were we playing again? I had a glass of wine and seem to have forgotten whats going on? I dun play furcadia YET, but I am downloading hear so much about it, might as well try it :D
Not sure what game we were playing... You will love Furcadia! It's hard to understand and get used too, but if you need any help, I will be more than willing along with many others to help you! If you post your Furc name, I will befriend you and help you all you need!
LoniSpuds Topic Starter

Others wrote:
Do not, and I repeat, do not let my old fursona meet your wingcat. The cuteness would cause some sort of universal paradox and invert or something.
Challenge accepted.
Sounds quite magnificent actually! :D

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Yep. You lost the game.

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