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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Pokemon RPG (Closed)

Zoe Faye (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Zoe shrugged. "Badges." She walked along side Chesire.
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

"cool i go for ribbons .. and chikarita here will help me to the top" she petted he chikarita's head and gave her a small snake
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Let's go then." Pikabolt followed Cheshire and Zoe out the door.
Zoe Faye (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Zoe nodded. "Yeah, everyone else is gone already. Let's not let them get all the badges and ribbons before us."
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

"yea lets go" cheshire begans to leave
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"OK, then. I forgot to ask you two what your names are. What are they?"
Zoe Faye (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"Zoe Faye, yours?" Zoe asked as Pikachu jumped up on her shoulder finally, getting tried of walking.
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

cheshire looked back " my name is Kayla Stark but you can call me Cheshire at least that what everybody else does"
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"My name is Pikabolt. It's very nice to meet both of you, but we need to get going."
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

"alright lets GOOO" cheshire began to walk again
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Let's head north first, there's a pathway there."
Zoe Faye (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Zoe nodded, walking along side Chesire and Pikabolt. "Okay."
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

"alright" cheshire started down the path
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

As soon as we got on the path... "Hey look! It's a Pidgey!"
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Let's catch it."
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

"you can since you saw it first"
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Hurray. OK, Eevee, use Yawn!" Eevee yawned, making the Pidgey drowsy. "Now use Bite!" Eevee ran up to the Pidgey and bit it. "Go Pokeball!" Pikabolt threw the Pokeball at the Pidgey and caught it successfully. "Hurray! I caught a Pidgey!"
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Do you see anything?"

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus