" hmmmm.." cheshire looks in the surrounding forest "yea theres one now .. chikarita .. use razor leaf" the chikarita jumped off her shoulder and used razor leaf on a pokemon in the forest the pokemon juped out revealing it was a vulpix " oh a vulpix cool .. chikarita use tackle then use vinewhip" chikarita hits the vulpix then wraps it with its vines squeezing it untill it fainted then cheshire threw a pokeball and succesfully cought vulpix "YAY!!!"
Zoe looked around the area and then a charmander and smriked. "Pikachu use tunder bolt." Pikachu jumped off Zoe's shoulder and use tunder bolt on the charmander. Zoe threw a pokeball at it. "Yep."
"What should we name them? I am calling my Eevee 'Veelvet' and my Pidgey 'Pit'."
"chikaritaa will be called chika and vulpix, vixen" she smiled at chika who seemed to like her name
Zoe thought for a moment then shrugged. "I guess Pikachu could be just pikachu as for Charmander can be Charm"
"OK." *Yawn* "It's getting late. We should eat and go to bed."
"you guys like rice balls" cheshire stopped and looked at the to
"I'll cook up something to go with that. What do you want?"
"doesnt matter to me ill eat anything"
"sure" cheshire smiled
Zoe nodded. "I think I have some food in here somewhere." She started searching through her backpack for the food she packed before realizing her sisters probably took the food and ate it.
"OK, then." Pikabolt pulled out a sword from his backpack, as well as a cooler. He then took some fish out of the cooler and threw it up. He cut up the fish in midair and it landed on a plate. "Dinner is served."
Cheshire got some rice balls out of her bag and handed one to zoe and one to pikabolt "dig in" she began to eat her rice ball
"Thanks." Pikabolt chomped down his rice ball. "There's sushi on the plate if you want some."
"thanks" cheshire grabbed a pieace of sushi and ate it
Zoe shook her head. "I don't like sushi much." She took a bite out of the richball Chesire gave her.
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