"I honestly think you are trying to hide something. Just tell me. It's not that hard."
cheshire sighed looked back at the water " theres a reason my nicknames cheshire"
"I know. It's because you disappear on others without them knowing, right?"
cheshire scratched the back of her head "sorta"
"no .. but its more than just leaving and people dont notice ... i actually dissapear"
"I know. It's an interesting quality, to say the least."
cheshire put her hands by her side "i dont think you know what i mean ... here ill show you " cheshie dissapeared and reappeard upside down on a branch almost instantaniously "i can also do this" cheshire jumped out of the tree and landed on her feet tooke her head off and stood on it then put it back on " do you see what i mean now"
"Funny, that's actually what I thought. I read a book with a character like that in it."
"wow ... although its not really funny to me ... but what ever" cheshire went back to camp
Pikabolt followed. On the way back, he said, "Eventually, I might be able to do the same things you did, but it will probably be hard. I am not like you are now, so it will take time and practice."
"for me it wasnt practice that makes me able to do the ..."
"You know what? Let's just go back to sleep and forget about this."
"okay ..im going to sleep on the ground" cheshire laid on the ground and went to sleep
Pikabolt climbed back up the tree using his chain. "Goodnight."
Zoe woke up before the others and heard her phone go off. She answered it to her mother's paniced voice. "Mom, calm down. Now what is it?" Miss Faye told her daughter what was worng and Zoe said she would come home. She closed her phone and wrote a note for the others saying something has come up and she was going to have to go back home, it was family business. She packed her things up and left her sleepingbag for whichever one of them wants it and headed for home.
Pikabolt woke up and saw the note. "It was the right thing to do. Pikachu and Charmander should be able to help them too." Pikabolt walked over to Cheshire, woke her up, and showed her the note.
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