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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Pokemon RPG (Closed)

Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11)

This is a Closed RPG between PikaPika11, KuroSakuranbo14, and hiddensoul14. Wait, who in the world am I talking to?!?
Others (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

I, the narrator, will tell the story here. The story starts in Pallet Town, with a 15-year old girl named Zoe. She promised to Professor Oak that she would start her Pokemon journey on this day.
Zoe Faye (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Zoe had woken up late, again. She got up and looked at the clock only to find out then she was late! "Oh god, not again!" She grabbed her clothes and started to change only to fall a few times with a long bang. She got everything on and ran out of her room and grab a piece of toast and her backpack. She ran out the door, telling her mom and dad goodbye.
Others (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

Meanwhile, in her own house, a 13-year old girl named Kayla, nicknamed Cheshire by most, was getting ready to go to Professor Oak's laboratory.
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

"KAYLA ARE YOU READY" yelled cheshires father "yes im about to leave " cheshire called from the door way as she pulled her jaket on then he backpack "dad im leaving" she yelled as she ran out the door to professor oaks laboratory ounce she reached it she went inside to see another girl
Others (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

As soon as Kayla got inside, another person came in. His name was Pikabolt.
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Who are you two? I thought the professor gave out Pokemon."
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

cheshire looked at the guy then at profesor oak "um i have a reserved pokemon" professor oak smiled "ah yes here it is " Professor oak hands her a pokeball and she trows it up and a chikarita comes out "hello there how are you" the chikarita jumped up and down with joy then jumped up onto cheshires shoulder "haha nice little one you are" cheshire petted the chikaritas head
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"OK." Pikabolt turned his head to the right and noticed an Eevee in the corner of the room. "I guess I'll take that one." Pikabolt walked up to the Eevee and put it on his shoulder.
Zoe Faye (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Zoe looked at Professor Oak. "Professor, do you have any pokemon left?" Professor Oak nodded and grabbed a pokeball and handed it to Zoe. She threw it up in the air and a Pikachu came out. "Hello there." SHe said as she out sretched her hand to the Pikachu only to get shocked by it.
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"That Pikachu seems very familiar..."
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

cheshire began snikering and so did the chikarita on her shoulder when the girl got shoked " your right it seems familiar"
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Anyways, now that we have our Pokemon, we need Pokeballs and a Pokedex. Professor Oak, you have those, right?"
Others (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Yes, here you go." Professor Oak then proceeded to give Cheshire, Pikabolt, and Zoe 5 Pokeballs and a Pokedex.
Zoe Faye (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Zoe smiled and put Pikachu back in the pokeball but it came back out. "Huh?" she said then sighed. She took the other pokeballs and pokedex.
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Still, very familiar. What's next, a flock of Spearow?"
Zoe Faye (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Zoe rolled her blue eyes. "We should probably get going, guys." She headed for the door with surprisingly Pikachu following.
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

Pikabolt shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sure, I am up for a journey of some kind. But how will it work out? Are we doing it as a group, or individually?"
Cheshire (played by hiddensoul14)

cheshire was already out the door "i think we should go as a group ... theres more power in numbers ... by the way what kind competitions are you going for badges or ribbons "
Pikabolt (played by PikaPika11) Topic Starter

"Both. Having experience in one helps with the other, so why not?"

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus