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Forums » Looking for RP » Need a sidekick for your superhero? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Kiro (played by Riik)

12-year-old Kiro has lived on the streets for a few years now. A strange mutant of a boy. Fighting crime has become one of his main pastimes... no; more than that... it's become his life. But alone and untrained, all he can manage is saving old ladies' purses, knocking out the odd armed thug and hacking into illicit websites to shut down human trafficking rings. What he needs is a mentor... someone who can turn him into the sort of vigilante that makes supervillains cower in fear. And someone who can take him off the streets and give him a home.

Essentially, what I'm looking for is a batman-like vigilante who can take Kiro under their wing, not just as a student/sidekick but also as an adopted child.

I like the whole grittiness of heroes with less obvious superpowers (or none at all), so my preference is toward people fitting that description. I plan to use the monkey-feet variation of Kiro (as outlined on his character profile) without his ice magic ability.

Format will be 1x1 and I only plan to have 1 instance of this RP up at any one time. It's not quite first-come-first-serve, as if I get multiple bites before I check for replies, I will pick a partner based on which has the character I prefer most. Don't be offended if I skip you, because my choice would be more about the character's closeness to what I'm looking for than anything else.
Magic 10%
On very, very, rare occasions there may be unexplained, POSSIBLY supernatural events. Minor "environmental" magic. Perhaps implies the existence of a deity or supernatural entity. Or perhaps it's just tricks?
Technology 60%
Near future, perhaps cloning and genetic manipulation
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.
Romance 50%
Romance is desired but not required, and will balance evenly with other plot.
Riik Topic Starter


Hmmm... I dunno, but I reckon I could modify Remus' backstory/setting to fit yours... He does have superpowers, but they're mostly enhanced reflexes and hand-eye-coordination... Anyway, lemme know if you're interested! :D
Riik Topic Starter

JohnAtArms wrote:
Hmmm... I dunno, but I reckon I could modify Remus' backstory/setting to fit yours... He does have superpowers, but they're mostly enhanced reflexes and hand-eye-coordination... Anyway, lemme know if you're interested! :D

Enhanced reflexes etc are the best kind of superpowers in my opinion. Subtle and still allowing for gritty action. I'm looking for a more modern-earth sci-fi setting, so if you can modify the backstory for that, then that would be perfect.

Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Hmmm... I dunno, but I reckon I could modify Remus' backstory/setting to fit yours... He does have superpowers, but they're mostly enhanced reflexes and hand-eye-coordination... Anyway, lemme know if you're interested! :D

Enhanced reflexes etc are the best kind of superpowers in my opinion. Subtle and still allowing for gritty action. I'm looking for a more modern-earth sci-fi setting, so if you can modify the backstory for that, then that would be perfect.

Great! We could say in this specific RP he grew up in Arizona and is taught gunplay by his grandfather. Later on, it turns out his grandfather is part of a secret society of vigilantes and activists who experiment on Remus, thus giving him his superhuman abilities. That's all I can think of at the top of my head ^^;
Riik Topic Starter

JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Hmmm... I dunno, but I reckon I could modify Remus' backstory/setting to fit yours... He does have superpowers, but they're mostly enhanced reflexes and hand-eye-coordination... Anyway, lemme know if you're interested! :D

Enhanced reflexes etc are the best kind of superpowers in my opinion. Subtle and still allowing for gritty action. I'm looking for a more modern-earth sci-fi setting, so if you can modify the backstory for that, then that would be perfect.

Great! We could say in this specific RP he grew up in Arizona and is taught gunplay by his grandfather. Later on, it turns out his grandfather is part of a secret society of vigilantes and activists who experiment on Remus, thus giving him his superhuman abilities. That's all I can think of at the top of my head ^^;

Sounds fine. I think for this RP, I'm going to have Kiro born with his mutations on account of his parents being subjected to unusual radiation whilst his mother was in the early stages of pregnancy. His mother died in childbirth and his father lasted a little longer, but eventually succumbed to cancer caused by the radiation. His father moved to a big city in America for some experimental treatment when Kiro was 8, but died during the treatment. Kiro was kept as much of a secret as possible to avoid bullying, media attention and experimentation, so after his father died, he had nowhere to go except the streets.

I think the RP would work best if your character was already an established hero in the city at the start (maybe still in the earlier stages of such fame, where the police are still unsure of what to make of him); perhaps his identity is kept secret, perhaps not - your choice. And already at a stage where he has a few enemies amongst the crimelords of the city. Kiro could then already look up to him as a role model.

Kiro meanwhile would not really be known by anyone but a few thugs he had already been in conflict with.

What do you think?

Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Hmmm... I dunno, but I reckon I could modify Remus' backstory/setting to fit yours... He does have superpowers, but they're mostly enhanced reflexes and hand-eye-coordination... Anyway, lemme know if you're interested! :D

Enhanced reflexes etc are the best kind of superpowers in my opinion. Subtle and still allowing for gritty action. I'm looking for a more modern-earth sci-fi setting, so if you can modify the backstory for that, then that would be perfect.

Great! We could say in this specific RP he grew up in Arizona and is taught gunplay by his grandfather. Later on, it turns out his grandfather is part of a secret society of vigilantes and activists who experiment on Remus, thus giving him his superhuman abilities. That's all I can think of at the top of my head ^^;

Sounds fine. I think for this RP, I'm going to have Kiro born with his mutations on account of his parents being subjected to unusual radiation whilst his mother was in the early stages of pregnancy. His mother died in childbirth and his father lasted a little longer, but eventually succumbed to cancer caused by the radiation. His father moved to a big city in America for some experimental treatment when Kiro was 8, but died during the treatment. Kiro was kept as much of a secret as possible to avoid bullying, media attention and experimentation, so after his father died, he had nowhere to go except the streets.

I think the RP would work best if your character was already an established hero in the city at the start (maybe still in the earlier stages of such fame, where the police are still unsure of what to make of him); perhaps his identity is kept secret, perhaps not - your choice. And already at a stage where he has a few enemies amongst the crimelords of the city. Kiro could then already look up to him as a role model.

Kiro meanwhile would not really be known by anyone but a few thugs he had already been in conflict with.

What do you think?

Sounds good! I reckon Remus would see himself more as a bounty hunter than a superhero. I dunno if you're okay with it, but Remus does kill those on the wrong side of the law. It kinda makes me imagine what Remus would become after Kiro's objections rub off on him XD
Riik Topic Starter

JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Hmmm... I dunno, but I reckon I could modify Remus' backstory/setting to fit yours... He does have superpowers, but they're mostly enhanced reflexes and hand-eye-coordination... Anyway, lemme know if you're interested! :D

Enhanced reflexes etc are the best kind of superpowers in my opinion. Subtle and still allowing for gritty action. I'm looking for a more modern-earth sci-fi setting, so if you can modify the backstory for that, then that would be perfect.

Great! We could say in this specific RP he grew up in Arizona and is taught gunplay by his grandfather. Later on, it turns out his grandfather is part of a secret society of vigilantes and activists who experiment on Remus, thus giving him his superhuman abilities. That's all I can think of at the top of my head ^^;

Sounds fine. I think for this RP, I'm going to have Kiro born with his mutations on account of his parents being subjected to unusual radiation whilst his mother was in the early stages of pregnancy. His mother died in childbirth and his father lasted a little longer, but eventually succumbed to cancer caused by the radiation. His father moved to a big city in America for some experimental treatment when Kiro was 8, but died during the treatment. Kiro was kept as much of a secret as possible to avoid bullying, media attention and experimentation, so after his father died, he had nowhere to go except the streets.

I think the RP would work best if your character was already an established hero in the city at the start (maybe still in the earlier stages of such fame, where the police are still unsure of what to make of him); perhaps his identity is kept secret, perhaps not - your choice. And already at a stage where he has a few enemies amongst the crimelords of the city. Kiro could then already look up to him as a role model.

Kiro meanwhile would not really be known by anyone but a few thugs he had already been in conflict with.

What do you think?

Sounds good! I reckon Remus would see himself more as a bounty hunter than a superhero. I dunno if you're okay with it, but Remus does kill those on the wrong side of the law. It kinda makes me imagine what Remus would become after Kiro's objections rub off on him XD

Yeah, that's fine. I meant hero as in elements of the general public look up to your character for fighting the corrupt elements of a highly corrupt city rather than in a superhero sense but yeah. Kiro would probably start off only hearing the rumours of certain crime bosses being defeated and the underworld elements being faught, so it would be interesting when he learns that Remus isn't as innocent as people say he is; and that disappointment could turn to a determination for Kiro to try and persuade him to be a better man.

You ok with the story starting with your character being captured by a mob boss (who got extremely lucky) and having Kiro release him? I figure it'd be good if the bad guys in the starting scenario are relatively basic thugs that Kiro would struggle with due to the sheer numbers; but after being released, Remus would have no issue with them - I figure it'd be a good way to establish the powerlevel differences between a rookie child and a trained bounty hunter; whilst also giving Remus a good reason to want to keep Kiro around.

Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Hmmm... I dunno, but I reckon I could modify Remus' backstory/setting to fit yours... He does have superpowers, but they're mostly enhanced reflexes and hand-eye-coordination... Anyway, lemme know if you're interested! :D

Enhanced reflexes etc are the best kind of superpowers in my opinion. Subtle and still allowing for gritty action. I'm looking for a more modern-earth sci-fi setting, so if you can modify the backstory for that, then that would be perfect.

Great! We could say in this specific RP he grew up in Arizona and is taught gunplay by his grandfather. Later on, it turns out his grandfather is part of a secret society of vigilantes and activists who experiment on Remus, thus giving him his superhuman abilities. That's all I can think of at the top of my head ^^;

Sounds fine. I think for this RP, I'm going to have Kiro born with his mutations on account of his parents being subjected to unusual radiation whilst his mother was in the early stages of pregnancy. His mother died in childbirth and his father lasted a little longer, but eventually succumbed to cancer caused by the radiation. His father moved to a big city in America for some experimental treatment when Kiro was 8, but died during the treatment. Kiro was kept as much of a secret as possible to avoid bullying, media attention and experimentation, so after his father died, he had nowhere to go except the streets.

I think the RP would work best if your character was already an established hero in the city at the start (maybe still in the earlier stages of such fame, where the police are still unsure of what to make of him); perhaps his identity is kept secret, perhaps not - your choice. And already at a stage where he has a few enemies amongst the crimelords of the city. Kiro could then already look up to him as a role model.

Kiro meanwhile would not really be known by anyone but a few thugs he had already been in conflict with.

What do you think?

Sounds good! I reckon Remus would see himself more as a bounty hunter than a superhero. I dunno if you're okay with it, but Remus does kill those on the wrong side of the law. It kinda makes me imagine what Remus would become after Kiro's objections rub off on him XD

Yeah, that's fine. I meant hero as in elements of the general public look up to your character for fighting the corrupt elements of a highly corrupt city rather than in a superhero sense but yeah. Kiro would probably start off only hearing the rumours of certain crime bosses being defeated and the underworld elements being faught, so it would be interesting when he learns that Remus isn't as innocent as people say he is; and that disappointment could turn to a determination for Kiro to try and persuade him to be a better man.

You ok with the story starting with your character being captured by a mob boss (who got extremely lucky) and having Kiro release him? I figure it'd be good if the bad guys in the starting scenario are relatively basic thugs that Kiro would struggle with due to the sheer numbers; but after being released, Remus would have no issue with them - I figure it'd be a good way to establish the powerlevel differences between a rookie child and a trained bounty hunter; whilst also giving Remus a good reason to want to keep Kiro around.

Yeah, that's all good :3 Remus can't stay conscious long without his respirator, so the search for his confiscated equipment could bring about more tension, I reckon. Anything else you wanna get out of the way before we start? :D
Riik Topic Starter

JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Hmmm... I dunno, but I reckon I could modify Remus' backstory/setting to fit yours... He does have superpowers, but they're mostly enhanced reflexes and hand-eye-coordination... Anyway, lemme know if you're interested! :D

Enhanced reflexes etc are the best kind of superpowers in my opinion. Subtle and still allowing for gritty action. I'm looking for a more modern-earth sci-fi setting, so if you can modify the backstory for that, then that would be perfect.

Great! We could say in this specific RP he grew up in Arizona and is taught gunplay by his grandfather. Later on, it turns out his grandfather is part of a secret society of vigilantes and activists who experiment on Remus, thus giving him his superhuman abilities. That's all I can think of at the top of my head ^^;

Sounds fine. I think for this RP, I'm going to have Kiro born with his mutations on account of his parents being subjected to unusual radiation whilst his mother was in the early stages of pregnancy. His mother died in childbirth and his father lasted a little longer, but eventually succumbed to cancer caused by the radiation. His father moved to a big city in America for some experimental treatment when Kiro was 8, but died during the treatment. Kiro was kept as much of a secret as possible to avoid bullying, media attention and experimentation, so after his father died, he had nowhere to go except the streets.

I think the RP would work best if your character was already an established hero in the city at the start (maybe still in the earlier stages of such fame, where the police are still unsure of what to make of him); perhaps his identity is kept secret, perhaps not - your choice. And already at a stage where he has a few enemies amongst the crimelords of the city. Kiro could then already look up to him as a role model.

Kiro meanwhile would not really be known by anyone but a few thugs he had already been in conflict with.

What do you think?

Sounds good! I reckon Remus would see himself more as a bounty hunter than a superhero. I dunno if you're okay with it, but Remus does kill those on the wrong side of the law. It kinda makes me imagine what Remus would become after Kiro's objections rub off on him XD

Yeah, that's fine. I meant hero as in elements of the general public look up to your character for fighting the corrupt elements of a highly corrupt city rather than in a superhero sense but yeah. Kiro would probably start off only hearing the rumours of certain crime bosses being defeated and the underworld elements being faught, so it would be interesting when he learns that Remus isn't as innocent as people say he is; and that disappointment could turn to a determination for Kiro to try and persuade him to be a better man.

You ok with the story starting with your character being captured by a mob boss (who got extremely lucky) and having Kiro release him? I figure it'd be good if the bad guys in the starting scenario are relatively basic thugs that Kiro would struggle with due to the sheer numbers; but after being released, Remus would have no issue with them - I figure it'd be a good way to establish the powerlevel differences between a rookie child and a trained bounty hunter; whilst also giving Remus a good reason to want to keep Kiro around.

Yeah, that's all good :3 Remus can't stay conscious long without his respirator, so the search for his confiscated equipment could bring about more tension, I reckon. Anything else you wanna get out of the way before we start? :D

Hmm... I was thinking a more short-term kinda capture scenario. Like being strapped down securely, maybe whilst the mob boss gets in touch with a bigger villain in the city to turn Remus in for some sort of reward. I can incorporate the respirator into the opening though... maybe some cruel gloating by the mob boss who didn't realise its necessity results in its removal (weaponry and the likes would still be confiscated of course, just not any other equipment like body armour etc as there'd be no time... the only difference is the weaponry wouldn't need to be searched for to the same extent, it'd just be kept out of the way somewhere in the room).

I guess that leaves the question of whether you'd prefer to do the RP in the forums or in a PM. I prefer PMs myself because of notification system.

Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Riik wrote:
JohnAtArms wrote:
Hmmm... I dunno, but I reckon I could modify Remus' backstory/setting to fit yours... He does have superpowers, but they're mostly enhanced reflexes and hand-eye-coordination... Anyway, lemme know if you're interested! :D

Enhanced reflexes etc are the best kind of superpowers in my opinion. Subtle and still allowing for gritty action. I'm looking for a more modern-earth sci-fi setting, so if you can modify the backstory for that, then that would be perfect.

Great! We could say in this specific RP he grew up in Arizona and is taught gunplay by his grandfather. Later on, it turns out his grandfather is part of a secret society of vigilantes and activists who experiment on Remus, thus giving him his superhuman abilities. That's all I can think of at the top of my head ^^;

Sounds fine. I think for this RP, I'm going to have Kiro born with his mutations on account of his parents being subjected to unusual radiation whilst his mother was in the early stages of pregnancy. His mother died in childbirth and his father lasted a little longer, but eventually succumbed to cancer caused by the radiation. His father moved to a big city in America for some experimental treatment when Kiro was 8, but died during the treatment. Kiro was kept as much of a secret as possible to avoid bullying, media attention and experimentation, so after his father died, he had nowhere to go except the streets.

I think the RP would work best if your character was already an established hero in the city at the start (maybe still in the earlier stages of such fame, where the police are still unsure of what to make of him); perhaps his identity is kept secret, perhaps not - your choice. And already at a stage where he has a few enemies amongst the crimelords of the city. Kiro could then already look up to him as a role model.

Kiro meanwhile would not really be known by anyone but a few thugs he had already been in conflict with.

What do you think?

Sounds good! I reckon Remus would see himself more as a bounty hunter than a superhero. I dunno if you're okay with it, but Remus does kill those on the wrong side of the law. It kinda makes me imagine what Remus would become after Kiro's objections rub off on him XD

Yeah, that's fine. I meant hero as in elements of the general public look up to your character for fighting the corrupt elements of a highly corrupt city rather than in a superhero sense but yeah. Kiro would probably start off only hearing the rumours of certain crime bosses being defeated and the underworld elements being faught, so it would be interesting when he learns that Remus isn't as innocent as people say he is; and that disappointment could turn to a determination for Kiro to try and persuade him to be a better man.

You ok with the story starting with your character being captured by a mob boss (who got extremely lucky) and having Kiro release him? I figure it'd be good if the bad guys in the starting scenario are relatively basic thugs that Kiro would struggle with due to the sheer numbers; but after being released, Remus would have no issue with them - I figure it'd be a good way to establish the powerlevel differences between a rookie child and a trained bounty hunter; whilst also giving Remus a good reason to want to keep Kiro around.

Yeah, that's all good :3 Remus can't stay conscious long without his respirator, so the search for his confiscated equipment could bring about more tension, I reckon. Anything else you wanna get out of the way before we start? :D

Hmm... I was thinking a more short-term kinda capture scenario. Like being strapped down securely, maybe whilst the mob boss gets in touch with a bigger villain in the city to turn Remus in for some sort of reward. I can incorporate the respirator into the opening though... maybe some cruel gloating by the mob boss who didn't realise its necessity results in its removal (weaponry and the likes would still be confiscated of course, just not any other equipment like body armour etc as there'd be no time... the only difference is the weaponry wouldn't need to be searched for to the same extent, it'd just be kept out of the way somewhere in the room).

I guess that leaves the question of whether you'd prefer to do the RP in the forums or in a PM. I prefer PMs myself because of notification system.

Me too XP I prefer PM's over forums. Anyway, how about you send me the starter and we can continue from there? :P

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