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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Born to a curse(OPEN)

Charna (played by ChaosTheMew)

(If anyone who joins this RP has met Charna before,it does not count.)
There were once three wolves:A brown one born without the curse,a red one who gained the curse,and a black one born with the curse. These great sisters had a unique power that enabled them to stop wars,end famines, and other things that threatened any race of being. Over time,the red and the brown wolf disappeared,never to be seen or heard from again,but the black wolf stayed.She still had hope for every race of being.Stories say that the black wolf roams the Forest of Whispers,waiting for the day someone who needs her help.
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

A dark red wolf was running from yet another group of hunters, but then they stopped chasing him. He had ran into the Forest of Whispers and didn't know it. He shifted into his human from, seeing the hunters were father away now. He had dark red hair and golden eyes. He was seven foot four, or so, slim, and always on the run from something. Unlike most wolves, he didn't have a pack, he had a mate though.
Charna (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Charna awoke,sensing the presence of the newcomer.The black wolf stood up and walked the direction she had sensed him.Charna was still in her normal wolf form when she approached the man.She was was about the same size of him and watched the newcomer with her red eyes."Is there a reason you have entered the Forest of Whispers?"She asked the man,her ears twitching from the sounds of the forest.
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Dai looked at the wolf, surprised to hear that was the reason the hunters stopped chasing him. "I was being chased and ran into this forest without knowing it was the Forest of Whispers." He answered simply.
Charna (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Charna chuckled."Many people have been doing that a lot lately."She looked at the man."I'm guessing there were hunters chasing you because I can smell humans the direction you came.They hunt wolves yet they are afraid of a creature like me but I'm not a regular creature like you so that might be why."Charna sat down and looked the direction the man had traveled.
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Dai nodded. "Yeah, they chase me around like I'm gonna kill off a village for no reason. I'll never get why they would think that. Maybe it's because I'm a wolf demon instead of a werewolf." He shrugged, not undestanding humans whatsoever. Humans have always confused him for the reason of believeing something that might not be true or fasle. He was raised by humans that believed he would kill without thinking twice about it, but that wasn't true.
Charna (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Charna sighed."I don't know how humans would think of me.I have been asleep for many years until you entered the forest."She looked at the man."I guess it means it is time to wake up and start to travel again.If you want I can see if I can scare off the hunters so we can leave the forest."
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Dai shook his head. "They'll get tried of waiting and leave, they always do." He sat down on the ground and sighed. He knew alot about hunters and how they get bored easily.
Charna (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"Trust me,young one,I could scare demons away without entering my other forms."She watched the man."My name is Charna.May I ask what your name is?"
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"Daimonas but I go by Dai." He replied. He never really cared if anyome called him by his nickname or not. The only thing that annoied him about his name was that it meant Demon in Greek. It ticked him off when people pointed it out more than once, besides that he was a calm guy.
Charna (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"Pleased to meet you,Daimonas."Charna bowed her head to show respect."So how much has the world changed in the last few years?"
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"Not much has changed. Everything is more advance, less forest for creatures to hide in. Nothing special." Dai shrugged, he grew up in this kind of era and he never really noticed the change.
Charna (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Charna sighed."Humans,about the only race of creature you can't change no matter how many time you try."Charna stood up and looked at the sky.The moon was almost directly above the clearing Charna and Dai were."Almost time."Charna said to herself.
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Dai looked up at her. "To leave?" He looked up at the sky, noticing the moon moving closer to the midnight period.
Charna (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Charna looked at Dai."No,I meant it's almost time for me to tell everyone I'm awake.It is a tradition my sisters and I used to do whenever one of us were awoken and it was time for the other two to wake up or to tell the world we were awoken."Charna's eyes clouded."But now my sisters are gone so I am the only one of the sisters that still does it."
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"Why did your sisters leave?" Dai looked at Charna, confused as to why her sisters would leave her behind. He knew if he had any siblings he wouldn't do that no matter if he was alive or dead.
Charna (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"They gave up hope for the creatures of the world.No matter how many times we tried,the human race seemed to forget about peace."Charna looked at Dai,her eyes no longer clouded."I guess I'm the only one of my sisters that still believes people can still change."
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Dia sighed. "I can't say I agree with them fully. At times it feels like humans are a hopeless race that believe in killing off something they don't understand or want to understand."
Charna (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Charna sighed sadly."I know,but there are still humans in the world that still care about other beings."Charna looked up.The moon was almost above them."Your going to have to cover your ears if you don't wanna go deaf,Dai."Charna moved away from Dai so she wouldn't accidently hurt him.
Daimonas (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

"But there are so few." He said before covering his ears, taking her warning seriously.

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