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Forums » Looking for RP » Ground Z-ero (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


I've been on repeat for a vey long time, mostly hovering. I'm back and feel like RPR has changed. I can't tell if it's for the best or not. ANYWAY!

Here's the plot:

Ake pressed his back against the wall. The hospital is more complicated to navigate than he'd thought. It's only been 15 hours since the emergancy broadcast ended. people are either hidden away or running for the hills.

Why is Ake in the heart of the city? If any zombie movie taught him anything, medicine should come in handy. He didn't take into account the fact that the hospital would be ransacked.

Ake peeked around the corner ever so slowly, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. That was the way he came, there is no going back.

Please let me find another way... he thought to himself. He took a deep breath, cleaned his forehead of the sweat with his forearm and turned to walk down the corridor he hid in.

The news called it the Rust virus. The virus causes people to go crazy even after death. First it causes schizophrenia while the victim is still conscious. They see and hear things until they flat out ignore everyone and thing. Then the cannibalistic impulses start to develop, Akechta calls this the "Windigo Phase". The victim tries to satiate the hunger with whatever food they can get their hands on but it's never enough. Eventually the hunger takes over while the person is still alive, their skin turns orange and dry, the nails and teath go black and grey ooze excretes itself from the corner of the eyes and mouth. Even those who die, aren't really dead. Only headshots or decapitation do the trick.

Ake quietly made his way to the medicine closet, his tomahawk in hand. He stood besides the door frame and placed a gentle hand on the door handle. He pulled back as he heard a shuffle inside. It could be a newly infected. He took a deep breath and tried once more, placing a hand on the handle once more.

1... 2... 3!

Let me know if you're up for it! Full length posts please. Do not be afraid to kill your character ;)
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 50%
Combat 80%
Wartime/soldier RPs. Combat is a given and will likely be graphic, but there's the potential for non-combat "in the trenches" scenes. World War 2, Vietnam, etc.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

Ambrosia Topic Starter

Ambrosia Topic Starter


Ambrosia Topic Starter

Hey, would you like to rp?

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Ground Z-ero (closed)

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