This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Kala Ree needs you!
In this RP, you can play a Serra living in the secluded world of Kala Ree, a basin tucked away in the heart of tall mountains. Serran society has bronze age technology and is mostly peaceful, though occasionally the bestial creatures known as frostmauls come down from the mountains to wreak havoc ... and not every Serra is good-hearted. Most noble of all Serra are the Kyriders, who form a deep telepathic bond to the almighty, griffinlike Kyrka and protect the skies and hills of their homeland!

(An image of Sarasha, the current Alpha Kyrka)
Kala Ree is currently being reopened after several years of inactivity. RP is already underway, but we could always use more players!

In some ways, the RP is centered around the Kyriders. Kyriders even get pictures of their Kyrka companions--here are a few examples. But this is an open world RP, so you're welcome to stretch your legs. Maybe your Serra wants to explore some of the mysterious ruins scattered around the basin? Maybe they have their heart set on bonding with a Kyrka and joining the ranks of the Kyriders? Or maybe they just want to live their life, meet their soulmate, and have a bucketful of children? All are valid! The existing lore and setting information add depth and nuance to every RP!
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Bronze age
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Bump! Still looking for more people!
Ohhh dear, bonding RPs are kind of my jam. I'm a terrible semi-canon DRoP weyr fiend of old.
What kind of player activity are you looking at for the group? I know I don't have the free time to spare to keep up with anything terribly rapid-fire and flurrying, but I'd be interested in poking my head in if a more relaxed posting style is okay!
What kind of player activity are you looking at for the group? I know I don't have the free time to spare to keep up with anything terribly rapid-fire and flurrying, but I'd be interested in poking my head in if a more relaxed posting style is okay!
Dragonfire wrote:
Ohhh dear, bonding RPs are kind of my jam. I'm a terrible semi-canon DRoP weyr fiend of old.
What kind of player activity are you looking at for the group? I know I don't have the free time to spare to keep up with anything terribly rapid-fire and flurrying, but I'd be interested in poking my head in if a more relaxed posting style is okay!
What kind of player activity are you looking at for the group? I know I don't have the free time to spare to keep up with anything terribly rapid-fire and flurrying, but I'd be interested in poking my head in if a more relaxed posting style is okay!
Yesss, my peopleeee 8) And relaxed is 100% fine--the only times I'd worry about keeping up are during hatchings and training sessions for new Kyriders, and even then there will be a loose post order, so it shouldn't be TOO frantic. Other scenes will just sorta flow at whatever speed people are comfortable with.
Heimdall wrote:
Yesss, my peopleeee 8) And relaxed is 100% fine--the only times I'd worry about keeping up are during hatchings and training sessions for new Kyriders, and even then there will be a loose post order, so it shouldn't be TOO frantic. Other scenes will just sorta flow at whatever speed people are comfortable with.
But, yeah, that's neat! I will definitely be poking around tonight and tomorrow and seeing if I can't come up with a thing to throw in.

Still looking for new players for Kala Ree! I've been adding more information on the setting, including new species!
Still looking for more players!
I'm slowly adding more art and information to flesh out the world. Next up will be magic information.

Still looking for more people to help flesh out our growing world!
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Bronze age fantasy bonding RP! (closed)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus