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Forums » Looking for RP » Cyberpunk mystery rp (Free slot) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


The city of Tianfal is full of mystery and intrigue, its several corporations which dominate the city are constantly engaged in an underground war with each other. However something is changing, something the corporations can't quite put their finger on. People are disappearing, not too many to be very suspicious but quite a few are still going, a mysterious organization has shown up only known by their initials, U.H.C.C.U and the president of the nation's government in which Tianfal resides are supposed to be visiting to make a speech. Wanting to find out what is going on and to ensure that nothing bad happens to the president the corporations finally agreed to a temporary truce to create a task force of the best agents they could gather to find out what was going on. Though every agent holds ulterior motives

Okay, so now that's out of the way I'll explain how it is going to work. Each person when they join will be given a different set of objective which they have to complete to "win". All characters will be given the same main objective which is to uncover the mysteries hidden in the city: why people are disappearing and what is UHCCU. Each character will be given a different bit of information, which they should use to work out what the others want.

For example : Character A
side objectives: sabotage item b held by Character C. Plant tracking device at point D.
Information: Character B was seen bringing a suspicious and unknown package with them.

Only join if you are prepared to stay for a while, it will very much hurt the story if you drop out near the start. We have four players already, we need the last one to two of them. So just post here if this interests you.

I will give more information: the world is still controlled by nations, however, the only way they can keep the influence of the companies/ corporations is by heavy policing and military power.

The corporations are large conglomerates of smaller companies, each doing their own thing. However, in order to increase their profits, each one started developing its own part of military tech with which to sell to the militaristic governments. This meant there were several large rivals next to each other, each with huge power and influence and heavy amounts of weaponry. As such they fight out heavy underground wars to cripple each other and put themselves at the forefront of the market.

The temporary truce was signed by each corporation leader, to make sure that whatever was going on in the city was sorted out. For if it was something problematic, they would rather deal with it before they all get destroyed. Secondly if the president dies then the military will be called in to finally deal with their private forces.

Final info: Characters are not required to fit the cyberpunk genre, if you wish to use a different character just tell me which and I will see if it can still fit in. If it can it shall just be brought to this world via a portal created by a certain corp.
This sounds really cool. Could I join?
Thekaleidoscope Topic Starter

Yes you can, I'll send you your information via PM

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Cyberpunk mystery rp (Free slot) (closed)

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