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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The odd hunter (open)

Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Koris toes were broken, bent oddly and cracked in multiple places and stained in blood. ''Chey churt...Choken, Chi think.''
Sterling sighed. "Unfortunately there's not a whole lot I can do for broken toes. Stay off 'em as much as you can and hope they heal." Splints wouldn't help, either, and they'd be a pain to construct anyway.

"We should find an inn at least. Someplace to crash for a while." He frowned. They wouldn't have a problem with him staying the night; it would be Kori and his obvious inhumanness that would be the problem.

"You think you can follow my lead, Kori? I'm gonna have to fib a little if we get a place."
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Chi chan't chalk...'' They whined, and flaps their wings to fly off the ground lightly. ''Chi can cirrlow by chlying chough.''
Sterling frowned for a moment. "Alright, that works. Stick close though."

He headed for the nearest inn, hoping it wasn't as seedy as the other places in this area of town.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori followed tiredly, but ended up passing out and falling to the ground quickly.
Once again, the arm slung over one shoulder and half dragging, half pulling the man to the inn, Sterling didn't care if it was the seediest inn in town. He just wanted to be lying down. Or rather, not carrying Kori.

"One room, two beds," he demanded. At the innkeeper's surprised look, he growled, "my friend's dead drunk." And he added a second coin above the room's price.

The innkeeper shrugged, took the extra coin, and then handed over a key. "Second door on the right, up the stairs. Don't make too much noise or I'll throw you out."

Sterling nodded and then lumbered up the stairs and into the room where he dropped Kori into one of the beds and he dropped into the other--after locking the door.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori landed in the bed with a thud, still out cold in sleep with their talons closed and wings tucked into their arms. Their til hung at the side, tucked under the feet...So the Were bite on it was hidden by the cloth hung around the waist of the passed out crossbreed.
Sterling was so grateful to be lying horizontal on a mattress that he was out almost as soon as he struggled out of his trench coat, letting it fall to the floor with a thud.

And then he was snoring; practically unconscious. Only two things might wake him: a particularly shrill scream of someone very nearby, or the presence of a threat.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

As soon as a moonbeam hit Kori they flinched awake and cringed tightly. The had got bitten after the first scar had healed, and hadn't got cured. They tried to stay silent, but a tingling feeling filled their body until a furry humanoid wyvern with pawed hands and wings rested where Kori was, and a tail edged in spikes.

Sterling slumbered on, his snores overpowering the soft growl of a were-creature sleeping in the bed next to his...

rolled 1d2 and got 2
1. He wakes before Kori can attack. 2. He wakes after Kori attacks.

Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

It didn't take long until Sterling felt a huge sting as on of Koris claws swiped across his face quickly when they snarled loudly.
Between the snarl and the pain, Sterling shouted and rolled off the bed to strike the floor. He grunted as his shoulder collided with the crossbow, but fortunately nothing broke.

"Ko-Kori?" He gasped, seeing the mutated form of his roommate. "Oh no, I missed a spot..." He leveled the crossbow at Kori's chest. "Don't make me shoot you." Maybe if he could find the other bite, he could fix this?
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori snarled and jumped up. Their toes seemed healed in this form, as they grabbed the crossbow with their talons. As they did, the fluffy tail hung to the ground, and the bite mark could be seen where it was bleeding. ''Garrip!'' They hissed, flapping the wings to stay airborne.

The strength of a werewolf crossed with the deadly breed of a crossbreed meant Kori was a force to be reckoned with. And they looked very hungry, though a tranq bolt could be seen attached to their loos fitting vest.
He wasn't about to play tug-of-war with a crossbreed-were-human-wyvern. Henceforth now catalogued as WHW.

He released the crossbow into Kori's clutches, using it to pull himself closer to Kori and snag the tranquilizer dart in the WHW's vest.

With one effortless plunge he waited and hope the tranq took effect soon.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori fell to the ground once the dart was plunged into then. They staggered up and swiped again at Sterlings face, though starting to falter instantly from the tranq.

Within minutes they collapsed onto their belly, out cold, feet twitching occasionly. The bow was near the beds, minorly scratched up as the WHW lay silent on the ground from the dart. Eyes shut, toes twitching, and breathing harshly while the tail lied limp.
"That was too close, and stupid." He muttered to himself, searching through his pockets and locating that anti werewolf stuff. He checked Kori's body for further bites and scratches and nicks, before doctoring up the bite on tail.

He sat back on the bed, crossbow cradled to his chest, before his face began to burn. With a yelp, he staggered into the bathroom to see that he hadn't gotten away unscathed. It had just taken a while for the pain to make it's presence known.

He washed his face, wincing at the sting, and then applied the same ointment to his face. He wasn't going to turn into a Were, but it speeded up the healing process.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori jerked awake, screeching loudly, and fidgeting in agony.
He paused to clap his hands to his ears at Kori's shriek. So much for not being too loud, he thought. They were surely going to be tossed out by morning.

He finished doctoring his face and watched as another slightly faded scar appeared over the bridge of his nose. It would fade almost completely in a month or two, but for now it just made him look brutish.

"Are you done, yet?" he asked the writhing WHW on the floor. Well, HW now that it was no longer part Were.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori cringes, their toes broken again. ''Chirrow!'' They snapped, teary eyed from the pain. ''Chat happerned? Ow...''
Sterling sat on the edge of what had at one point in time been Kori's bed. The scratched and beaten up crossbow lay on the ground, next to Kori.

"I didn't find all the bites from the were. I'm sorry." He rubbed his face. "We're probably going to get thrown out of here by tomorrow, just to warn you."

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