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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The odd hunter (open)

Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori frowned. ''Chaybe it's chi chault fro chaking chuch a chacket...?'' They whimpered, rolling to their belly and looking at Sterling, then his bow. ''Chid I chratched chat?''
Sterling shook his head. "It wasn't your fault, Kori. It was mine. I should have double checked you hadn't got bit. And I failed in that. You shouldn't have got bit in the first place."

Seriously, he could kick himself. Why was he slipping in his Hunting now of all times? He could be drained of blood in five minutes if he wasn't careful! But it only further cemented his opinion that working in a group was not one of his specialties.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Chi'm chuprised vhou chin't choot me...'' They said, looking at the ceiling. ''Chaddy had said chi chas a chood chunter...Chor used cho chay chat, before mommy chied.''
Sterling collected his crossbow again and went to sit on his bed. "I didn't want to kill you when I could have prevented the whole fiasco. I was lucky you had the tranq dart on you."
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Chese charts are full of blood chom a chertain chog chat can chut people to cheep.''
Sterling frowned. " mean dog...?" He was really hoping it wasn't the other possibility.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

His heart sank and he scowled. "I hate frogs. I'd be happy if I never saw another slime frog as long as I lived." And actually, given that each day was an unknown prospect, it could be a rather short time frame.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Chell, their chlood is enough to put a chown chen cho chleep.''
"That's potent stuff. And perfect for...just about everything. Does it work on all creatures?"
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''It choesn't work chon chother chrogs. Chor chirds.''
"But it works on demons and humans and...hopefully vampires and werewolves?" He could only hope, and if it did, it might be worth getting that rather than holy water, which would only temporary burn, while this tranquilizer would knock them out cold.
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

Kori nodded. ''It chis a chare chitem cho chind chough. A chertain chactory cakes chese chirranqulizersl.''
"But do you know where this factory is? Or where it delivers the tranquilizers too? I might need to stock up on these."
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Chey celiver chese chanquilzers cho che cheadqurrters of the chunters wherever chec chiirrquarters chare.''
"To the headquarters?" Sterling perked up. "I know where one is. They're usually located near the Guilds, which, while they're a meeting place, aren't exactly the headquarters of the Hunters."

He rubbed his hands together eagerly. "This will be fun."
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''But chese chiirnquizers are usually chirrgeded very closely and the chuards cheep che chuild away from the chanquilzers chircause chey know chat chome chunters will chuse che chanqs against cheach chother.''
Sterling grinned. "Not a problem, Kori. I've got my ways of getting things, I just need to get there. Guards or no, they can't keep everything locked up tight."

He rubbed his hands together in anticipation. Tranqs for the taking. Well, borrowing. He just needed a few; or perhaps talk to whomever was in charge about selling these things to the Hunters directly. If word got out about these tranqs, too, then civilians could be protected from anyone who was threatening.

"It's not fair to hoard all the good stuff, after all."
Korilana Larvonte (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Chea, but the chuards chay chese chanqs were made in chozens and char choosely coated in slime.''
Sterling growled under his breath. "There's always a catch." And he shuddered. He couldn't bring himself to willingly touch slime; even if there was the prospect of getting new gear.

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