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Forums » Looking for RP » trapped in medival times with a sarcasti (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

You are scientist who had been working on time travel for years now, and you finally got it. Excited to test out your machine, you set the time to exactly one month earlier. Stepping in, you start the machine.

And then it all went wrong.

Next thing you know, the machine malfunctions and you get moved to a random time, which just so happens to be in medival times.

Unfortunately, the spot you end up might not have been the best...

When you appear, the first thing you see is a young woman sitting on the floor, wrapped in her blankets looking mortified....

Howdy! Pm me or something if you want to rp this! It can be romance if you would like as well. Also, please be able to respond with description in your response, it doesn't even have to be paragraph. Also! It is your choice whether or not you want it to be a fantasy with dragons and magic and whatnot in it.
Drayden (played by Draken901)

Allow me to propose this, Drayden isn't a scientist, but he could be able to volunteer to experiment with technology of that caliber in his natural setting, he is more of a Dungeon-Punk theme character after all, but he should work well enough with this. My normal post-length is about one to two paragraphs.

By the way, when making an RP proposal, you want to make sure you correct as many errors and mistakes as you can to make it look more... eh, "professional" I guess is the right term for it. (as well as just RPing in general.)
-_Marimo_- Topic Starter

Drayden wrote:
Allow me to propose this, Drayden isn't a scientist, but he could be able to volunteer to experiment with technology of that caliber in his natural setting, he is more of a Dungeon-Punk theme character after all, but he should work well enough with this. My normal post-length is about one to two paragraphs.

By the way, when making an RP proposal, you want to make sure you correct as many errors and mistakes as you can to make it look more... eh, "professional" I guess is the right term for it. (as well as just RPing in general.)
i see i see. That sounds lovely enough to me, and i am fine with him volunteering. :) i will try my hardest to match lengths with you as well.

Ah. Did my horrible spelling get me? What have i gotten wrong this time? And please, if i make gramatical or spelling mistakes, politely correct me. I've always been bad at spelling, and sometimes forget punctuation.
Drayden (played by Draken901)

Alright then, now how shall we go about this? PM or forum? What character will you be using, eh?

That was just a bit of friendly advice. You just had some spelling errors in your post before you fixed it.
agnes (played by -_Marimo_-) Topic Starter

Drayden wrote:
Alright then, now how shall we go about this? PM or forum? What character will you be using, eh?

That was just a bit of friendly advice. You just had some spelling errors in your post before you fixed it.
this character! She isnt perfect, but that's fine for me. And i prefer using pm.

Yeah, i looked over it. My typing skills arent the best.
Drayden (played by Draken901)

Well, whenever you're ready to start I suppose. How shall we go about the plot?
agnes (played by -_Marimo_-) Topic Starter

Drayden wrote:
Well, whenever you're ready to start I suppose. How shall we go about the plot?
what do you mean? :3
Drayden (played by Draken901)

I mean, how should my character get there? Do you want me to narrate that part of the story since I know his natural setting best, or would you want to? The time machine thing I mean.
agnes (played by -_Marimo_-) Topic Starter

I would prefer if you narrate it so that icould get a good feel about your oc an whatnot.
Drayden (played by Draken901)

I'll send the PM.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » trapped in medival times with a sarcasti (closed)

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