(I'm sorry for the title, I couldn't think of anything
A girl with dark purple hair and deep red eyes was hidden behind a tree at the edge of the woods that connected to a small town. She kept peeking at seeing what was going on but would see someone coming and hide again. Her dark purple tiger ears and tail had came out on their own again and she was annoied about it but pushed them aside. She was trying to get over her shyness but was failing at it horrorably. She wrapped her tail around her waist as her ears flatten against her head. It was something she did when she was upset about something. I'm such a fail as a tiger and a person. she thought with a deep sigh.

A girl with dark purple hair and deep red eyes was hidden behind a tree at the edge of the woods that connected to a small town. She kept peeking at seeing what was going on but would see someone coming and hide again. Her dark purple tiger ears and tail had came out on their own again and she was annoied about it but pushed them aside. She was trying to get over her shyness but was failing at it horrorably. She wrapped her tail around her waist as her ears flatten against her head. It was something she did when she was upset about something. I'm such a fail as a tiger and a person. she thought with a deep sigh.
(It's alright.)
Nicolas was walking toward the forest to escape the noise coming from people in the streets.His eyes were closed until he stopped at the edge of the forest and opened his blueish gray eyes when he sensed someone hiding.Nicolas looked the direction she was but didn't say anything.
Nicolas was walking toward the forest to escape the noise coming from people in the streets.His eyes were closed until he stopped at the edge of the forest and opened his blueish gray eyes when he sensed someone hiding.Nicolas looked the direction she was but didn't say anything.
Kurai noticed that a guy had seen her and didn't know what to do or say. She just staied where she was standing and tried not to look back, as if she didn't knowh he was there. She kept quiet ignoring the sounds of the people on the other side of the tree that was behind her.
Nicolas sighed."I'm guessing your either shy or afraid of me since your not talking to me."
Kurai jumped slightly, more out of surprise since she was hoping he would just leave. "I-I'm not afraid." She whispered, she had a strange accent that couldn't be placed with one country. It had American, British, and something else to it.
"Then why don't you just come out of your hiding spot then?"Nicolas watched the spot he sensed the other person.
Kurai took a step out of where she was hidding. She wasn't looking at the man, but down at the ground. She never really could look someone in the eye without her shyness getting the best of her. "I'm j-just not very good at t-talking to other people."
"Then learn to get over it.I don't usually talk to people at all."Nicolas watched Kurai with his blueish gray eyes then sighed and closed his eyes.
"It's harder than it looks for some." Kurai was thinking about how she had grew up with tigers instead of humans and never leanred how to talk to people without sturring.
"So I guess that means that you weren't raised by humans."Nicolas's mind strayed to his little sister Shegarra and how their parents died when they were young.Nicolas and Shegarra had to be raised with other Shadow Warriors and neither of them liked it.
Kurai nodded. "I was raised by tigers and I'm usually in my tiger from, not this one." She hadn't the slightest clue why she was telling this about what she was.
"Raised by tigers,huh?"Nicolas thought if he should tell this girl that what he was from a highly feared race,one that made the evil gods look like nice people."Might as well warn her."Nicolas thought to himself."My little sister and I were raised by Shadow Warriors."
Kurai's expression didn't change whatsoever, she only looked up at him. Her eyes were usually show no emotion but she has moments of emotion. "Is that a big deal or something? Shadow Warriors don't really seem like that much of something to fear unless you had done something that would bring you to them, correct? Then I have no reason to fear you unless you were planning to bring harm to me or someone I care about." Her voice was simple, and flat.
"That's probably true.I don't stay with the others for a long time."Nicolas sighed."My name is Nicolas."
"I'm Kurai." Kurai's full name meant Dark Moon in Japanese, for a weird reason since she wasn't Japanese or anything close to it.
"Pleased to meet you,Kurai."Nicolas Bowed his head in respect.Nicolas wasn't used to being nice to people he just met but he didn't want to seem.......rude.
Kurai did the same and bowed her head n repscet. "Same to you Nicolas." She was offeten too shy to talk to anyone that she hadn't already knew.
"Did I interrupt you doing something or were you just hiding behind that tree because of your shyness?"Nicolas looked at Kurai.
"I-I was trying to get ove my shyness but it's not working out so well." Kurai sighed before running her hand through her dark purple bangs.
"The only way you can get over something is by looking it in the face and hiding behind a tree won't help."
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