Thalia flew through the woods, her hoodie's hood pulled over her head. Toxic was sprinting behind her, dodging the trees. Slenderman had told them to kidnap a girl that was important for some reason. Both of them hoped this wouldn't take to long. If they were lucky she wouldn't put up a fight. When they arrived to the girl's house, they broke a window with a rock and snuck inside. Being as quite as they could from that point, as they searched the house.
(Hey can I join this chat? I want to use my character Zedlynn)
Kitkat lay on her bed, asleep with her ears and tail showing. She wore her favorite greyish-black hoodie and black slacks. Her parents were out at a bar even though it was past 3 in the morning. The house was cleaned spotless, but the teen sported a swollen eye along with several bruises on her neck and arms.
(I suggest you ask Clara. This was her idea, so I feel like I can't say if people can or can't participate.)
(It's cool with me as long as everyone else is okay with it)
"Where are you" Toxic called out in a playful tone. As if she actually expected someone to answer! Thalia crept around the house and started searching the rooms until she stopped in one that had a girl sleeping soundly in her bed. "Toxic, in here" she hissed. Toxic rushed over and followed Thalia into the room.
"Where are you" Toxic called out in a playful tone. As if she actually expected someone to answer! Thalia crept around the house and started searching the rooms until she stopped in one that had a girl sleeping soundly in her bed. "Toxic, in here" she hissed. Toxic rushed over and followed Thalia into the room.
(Then welcome, new RP-er.)
KK's ear twitched from the sound of her voice, but she just rolled over. If every whisper woke her up, then she'd be an even worse insomniac.
KK's ear twitched from the sound of her voice, but she just rolled over. If every whisper woke her up, then she'd be an even worse insomniac.
Thalia walked over to the bedside, Toxic hot on her tail. She loomed over her sleeping figure. "Grab her" Thalia ordered. Toxic leaned forward and went to pick KK up. Maybe it will be easy, she thought.
KK felt someone touch her, and her eyes flew open. Sound was one thing because her parents often yelled at night, but when they came in her room, her senses kicked to life. In a desperate attempt to shake off the intruder, KK kicked out without aiming while rolling off the side of her bed.
"Change of plans. Looks like we're doing this the hard way then" Toxic sighed. Thalia flew behind KK and spread her wings to the side. Toxic stood in front holding a syringe with something inside. Both tried to corner her together.
Kitkat hissed under her mattress, her tail puffing out and ears folded against her head. If they attempted to reach for her, she'd bite at their hands as hard as she could.
"Make this easy on us. We really don't want to fight you right now" Thalia insists, her black wings still spread out. Toxic nods and stepped closer to the bed. She looked at the girl, curiosity filling her purple eyes.
"Get out!" she snarled, a wolf-like growl forming in her throat. Her tail coiled around her as her body curled into a tight ball. Wings didn't scare her for she had her own pair pressed against her back under her hoodie.
"Well, we tried being nice" Toxic growled. Her colorful hair made her seem like a flash of color as she lunge at KK. Thalia held a strong sack and drew sword. Toxic tried to grab the girl and put her in the bag.
She kicked and scratched, but wasn't able to get out of the bag. KK struggled for her life, even attempting to unfold her own wings. If it weren't for the fact their bones were easily broken -like most birds-, she'd have used them to rip the sack open.
"Let's go" Toxic grinned. The two left the house and ran into the woods. "Hurry up Toxic" Thalia shouted. Toxic sped up and the two reached the mansion in about 10 minutes. They opened the door and went inside.
Kitkat had smelled the trees as they traveled, and she had no clue as to where they were going, or why they wanted her. In the bag, she waited for an opportunity to get free.
The girls walked up to a dark and put the bag down. Thalia flew close and untied the knot of the bag. Both of them quickly exited the room and locked the door before looking for Slender.
As soon as she felt the bonds undoing, KK bolted out of the bag to the far wall. She pressed her back to it as her heart raced. Where had those two taken her?
Together they found Slender and brought him to the room KK was in. He unlocked the door and went in before shuting it behind him. Thalia relocked the door and waited for him to tell them to let the two out.
Kitkat looked up at Slender's face, eyes wide with her head tilted down. Quickly, her gaze dropped to the floor. She didn't speak, as she was raised to only talk when spoken to. Even with how odd things were, the teen wasn't willing to make anyone mad. Her parents abused her if she so much as breathed too heavily.
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