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Forums » General Roleplay » CreepyPasta RP(Closed)

Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Slender looked confused. A voice sounded in her head along with faint static. "What's wrong child" he asked. The faceless one was able to tell she was fearful, but not of him, of something else.
"Nothing," she said automatically. Slowly, KitKat stood up by using the wall to help support herself. Her tone was meek and shaky.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

If Slender had a face he would have frowned. "I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Slenderman but call me Slender for short. What's your name" he asks inside of KK's head. Outside the room Toxic was covering her ears and closing her eyes in pain from the loud static.
"...KitKat or KK." The ringing was bothering her sensitive ears, but she had dealt with loud yelling and breaking noises so it was some-what tolerable.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

"Sorry if the ringing bothers you KK, I don't know how to control it" his voice was laced with a small amount of guilt. Outside the door Toxic sat on the floor in fettle position, biting her lip to keep herself from screaming. Thalia just shook her head, the ringing not affecting her since she wasn't human.
"..It's fine," she reassured. "Uh, ..Why am I here, sir?"
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

"Because, I can sense your different and I would like to make you an offer" Slender hissed in the static.
"......What offer?"
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

"I will give you shelter and the essentials, if you agree to help me and my proxies kill" he stated.
Furrowing her brow, KK thought things over to herself. It wasn't like she was bothered about killing people, but her parents...
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

"Take your time to think things over, I'll give you some time by yourself. Just call me when you're ready" Slender said. And with that he teleported out of the room.
Kitkat bit her bottom lip, tail still as she focused on her thoughts.
(Time skip?)
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

(Sure, when to?)
(Thirty minutes or so.) The teen looked down at her lap, mouth set in determined line. She slowly stood up, ears flat against her head. Her mind was made up now.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Slender was talking to Toxic and Thalia. He had passed time chatting with them while waiting for KK to make up her mind.
Kitkat walked over to the other side of the room, and knocked on the door.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Slender heard the knock and teleported back into the room. "You've made up your mind I presume" he said.
The teen nodded. "I agree to your offer."
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

"That's great. Now let's get out of this room" Slender said. "Toxic, Thalia open this door" he ordered. They followed the order and the door swung open.
Looking out of it, she gave the two girls a wary expression.

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