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Forums » General Roleplay » CreepyPasta RP(Closed)

(Wait a minute.. I think I want one of two things: One, can we re-do how Toxic and Thalia take KK but come back to this scene later on? ^^' We don't have to if you mind.)
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

(Yeah, we can re-do it. Did you need me to change how they start or are you just changing KK's reactions?)
(Both, please.)
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Toxic weaved in and out of the trees. Her black and green hair flew behind her and she skid to a halt as she neared the edge of the woods. She saw the house the girl, her and Thalia were supposed to capture. Now all she had to do was find her grey skinned partner.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

(Was that okay?)
(Yup, but when they get inside, I'm going to describe how it looks, okay? I have an idea. ^^ )
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

(That's great!)
From where Toxic stood, only one light was on in the house, and since it was well past 2 am, that seemed a little odd, but not by much. All was quiet, not a bug or nocturnal animal active.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Toxic found the silence slightly off but she didn't question it as she tried to stay focused on her task. Her purple eyes scanned the sky, not able to find the angel. You think someone able to fly would be faster, but that was wrong. Finally, Thalia landed on the ground next to her and they took of running. This was their first kidnapping mission and Toxic was really excited. The two stopped in front of the house the victim was in.
The front door was open a crack causing the faint light to seep out. There was a strong metallic smell coming from inside, and soft whimpers could barely be heard.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Thalia sniffed the air and smiled. "Smells like blood" she whispered to Toxic. Their lips turned up into crooked smiles. Toxic opened the door slowly and looked at inside. She felt her blood rush and some of her adrenaline kicked in. Her partner seemed to actually be happy for once, which was a miracle.
In the living room, the light-bulb had been broken leaving glass dangerously scattered everywhere. A body laid in front of the door as though the woman had tried to flee but didn't make it outside. She was cut up with shards of glass stabbed in her randomly, had been scratched deeper than any person's nails could cause, and had her throat ripped out.

A man was down right in front of the couch as though he was attacked in his seat and had been knocked down in a struggle. He was injured similarly to the woman, whom one could deduce was his wife.

The light was coming from a single lamp that was toppled over on the floor but unharmed. It cast shadows around the room. In a corner, a girl sat huddled up and holding her hands out before her with horrified eyes. She was covered in wounds and blood, her hair matted and crazy. She had black ears and a black tail, yet was otherwise completely normal appearing.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Toxic pushed the door the rest of the way open and kicked the body of the woman out of her way. "Sorry miss" she said, laughing slightly. Thalia flew in behind her and shut the door. Toxic's eyes searched the room and caught sight of a girl. She tapped Thalia on the shoulder and pointed her out. Thalia looked to where she pointed and she looked at the girl with a puzzled expression. "Is that her" she asked.
As though unable to see or hear the two intruders, the teenager just sat there, looking at her hands, which shook slightly. Tears streamed down her cheeks yet the act of killing her parents wasn't why she was so upset. No matter how hard she tried to smother it, a sick sense of satisfaction and enjoyment welled up in her. It scared her to think she wasn't guilty or saddened by the murders she'd committed.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Toxic nodded. "I think so" she answered. Quietly stepping over the mangled corpse and trying to avoid the shards of glass, she made her way over to the girl. Thalia flew behind her, beating her black wings silently. They stood in front of her and stopped, looking at the blood covered girl. Now that they were closer, they were able to get a better look at her and noticed that she had cat ears and a tail.
Slowly, she came to notice the two people in her house. She brought her eyes up to look at them, and they displayed her exhaustion from her internal debate. After a moment, the teen brought her arms up in a way someone would do when getting handcuffed. "Police?" was all she could make herself say, and it was a hoarse whisper.
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Toxic looked at her and tilted her head. "Where are they" she asks. "No, I think she was asking if we were the police" Thalia says. A look of realization came to her partner's face and she gave a soft laugh. "Do we look like police" she asks, not sure if they do in the lighting. Thalia shook her head and looked at KK. "Don't worry, we're not the police and we aren't going to arrest you" she told her.
Now the girl looked confused, her brow furrowed. Her silent question was evident by her facial expression:
'Then who are you/why are you here?'
Toxic Blue (played by Clara) Topic Starter

Toxic looked at her and study her expression. "Nevermind that, there will be time for introductions later. Now, do you want to do this the easy way or hard way" she asks. Thalia held a sack behind he back and Toxic gripped a knockout syrum in her coat pocket.
Even after what she'd done, the girl was't about to let a couple of strangers to do whatever they pleased, not anymore. Pressing herself into the corner as best she could, the teen let out a low warning growl.

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