Kurai sighed. "If you want people to think of you not as a child then stop bickering with Nicolas like one and acted your age."
"Kurai,me and Nero always fight.That's how people can tell we are pretty close friends."Nicolas looked at Kurai."We think of each other like brothers and brothers always argue."
Kurai didn't know how brothers acted because she only had sisters. "Oh, I didn't know that."
Nicolas smiled."That's alright.The other Shadow Warriors think it strange on how a demon and a Shadow Warrior can even tolerate each other."
Kurai nodded. "Okay."
"She seems unimpressed."Nero said loud enough for Nicolas to hear.Nicolas glared at Nero and threw a rock at Nero,which hit Nero in the head.Nero looked over his shoulder to look at Nicolas while rubbing the back of his head."Not okay,Nic."
Kurai couldn't help but snicker, probably gaining herself a glare. She didn't seem to care at all, she was use to getting glares, scowls, and whatever else.
Nicolas smiled at her when he heard her snicker.Nero turned back around and whispered something about Nicolas being a showoff."Don't worry,Nero'll calm down."Nicolas whispered to Kurai.
Kurai simply smiled. "I sure hope so." She whispered back, ignoring whatever Nero muttered about Nicolas.
Nicolas looked over at Nero,who was still ignoring them.Then he looked back at Kurai."You should probably get some rest."
Kurai nodded. "Alright, see you guys in the morning." She went over to where Nicolas's sleeping bag was crawled inside it. She was use to sleeping in a tight ball like cat so how she slept looked similar to it.
Nero looked over his shoulder to see Kurai crawl into Nicolas's bed."Planning on not sleeping again?"Nero said silently.Nicolas nodded.
"Well,see you in the morning."Nero finished eating,lied down,and fell asleep.Nicolas stood up and walked outside without making a sound.He sat beside the door and looked up to study the stars.
"Well,see you in the morning."Nero finished eating,lied down,and fell asleep.Nicolas stood up and walked outside without making a sound.He sat beside the door and looked up to study the stars.
It didn't take long for Kurai to fall asleep, the only thing playing in her mind was another time when one of her sisters tried to kill her. It was hard to tell what was going on in her mind while she slept.
Nicolas continued to watch the stars.Nero turned over in his sleep as he dreamed of the times before he met Nicolas and was still being hunted.After a few hours the sun started to show over the horizon,painting the landscape a soft orange-red.
Kurai woke up with a bit of a stratled but she got over it. Her brushs with death was more than enough to make her fearless, at least everyone would think. Sadly, she was still shy and unlike the people she knew, she kept to herself about almost anything.
Nero woke up when he sensed Kurai was startled.He looked around and noticed Nicolas was gone then looked at Kurai."Something wrong?"
Kurai sat up and shook her head. "It's nothing..."
Nero watched Kurai for a moment then stood up and walked to the door of the room they were sleeping in."Hey,Nicolas.Me and Kurai are awake."
Nicolas leaned so he could see Nero from outside."I'll be in in a few minuets."
Nero shook his head and looked at Kurai."Want something to eat?When Nicolas says he'll be inside in a few minuets,it usually means he'll be out there for a while."
Nicolas leaned so he could see Nero from outside."I'll be in in a few minuets."
Nero shook his head and looked at Kurai."Want something to eat?When Nicolas says he'll be inside in a few minuets,it usually means he'll be out there for a while."
Kurai nodded. "Sure. Why does he spend so much time outside?" She was always curious about why people did things that made little sense to her.
Nero walked over to his pack and pulled out an apple."Nicolas likes to think,to remember what it was like to have a caring family.He always worries about his little sister since they haven't seen each other in years."Nero walked over to Kurai and held out the apple.
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