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Forums » Looking for RP » Who will be my savior? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ilona Niamh (played anonymously)

"Help me, somebody please. I can't live like this anymore, please. I beg of you, if you find this, save me. Save me. Before it's too late."

You read these words that were scratched into the concrete floor in one of the rooms of your new house. The words had been covered by an old dresser that was left behind by the previous owners, as well as other pieces of furniture. There was a date underneath, Jan 14th. It was now March 27th, though in what year the words had been scratched there was unclear. Under those words was an address, it was barely readable, but there. It was a small town you lived in, and the address was a pretty well known one.

So naturally what do you decide to do, go check it out. You arrive at an old abandoned warehouse sitting on an acre of empty farmland with a creek running through the back of it. The warehouse had been abandoned for a decade or more, and few had ever been near it. There were no tire tracks, or any signs of anyone living there. There were some footprints all over the place, but that wasn't unusual because of all the teens that loved trespassing.

As you approached the building it seemed as worn down as you would assume from an abandoned building. You could hear no noise coming from it, you couldn't see in through any of the windows, and none of the doors would budge.

Deciding it must have been a prank, you started to walk away until you heard a distinct scream from inside the warehouse. You spun around and looked at it, but heard nothing else. What do you do now? Do you ignore it and leave? Or find a way in and investigate?

Well, now that that's out of the way, welcome to my thread~ Hope you enjoyed my starter. I'm looking to do some 1x1s with this starter (which continues where Ilona's past left off). Looking mainly for strong male characters, but I'll accept females. Characters don't have to be completely human, but most have a humanoid form. Plot beyond the starter is negotiable, since I'm not exactly sure how I want it to proceed. Soo.... yeah, if interested please please please pm me or comment here. Thanks~
I'm very interesting. Great backstory by the way.
Ilona Niamh (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Thank you~ Do you have a character in mind for our adventure?
Amzi Iko (played anonymously)

Yep, this guy.
Ilona Niamh (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I think he will work well. There are some things we need to discuss before we start, so how about you pm me?
Amzi Iko (played anonymously)

alright, will do
Drake Brygida (played by Maelstrom)

I'd be interested in offering this guy if you use paragraphs to roleplay.

Basic information: He's a WWII veteran with considerable strength when equipped with a firearm, and he carries a revolver on him at all times. I get the feeling that the roleplay will take place in a time where people don't know magic exists or something. If you find my initial thoughts worthy of creating a roleplay, we could discuss in further details what exactly you and I would like to include in the roleplay.
Ilona Niamh (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Well, I am very interested in this, and would love to discuss it more with you. I do use paragraphs, though they're not always huge ones. And yes, most people don't know magic exists at this point.
Drake Brygida (played by Maelstrom)

Ilona Niamh wrote:
Well, I am very interested in this, and would love to discuss it more with you. I do use paragraphs, though they're not always huge ones. And yes, most people don't know magic exists at this point.

Alright! Shoot me a pm.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Who will be my savior? (closed)

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