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Forums » Looking for RP » Dawn of Darkness Chronicles (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

This RP takes place in 2017, modern-day United States. However - every god in every mythology/religion and every mythological creature exists. Though, as it is modern-day America, all of those beings have been dismissed as myth and legend, except obviously for Christian figures such as God and the Devil, though most Christians don't expect to ever see them. You can be any deity from any religion, except you cannot be God, the Devil, or the archangels Michael and Raguel. And, those are the most powerful beings in the universe, rivaled only by the Egyptian god Amun-Ra, who is dead. All gods and angels tend to not interact with humans except in the afterlife, though demons make deals at crossroads.

The only beings you are not allowed to be are God, Asherah, Michael, Lucifer, or Raguel.
Magic 40%
Magic is rare. Some of the players might have it. There may be sages or other magical figures that could be sought out for tutelage.
Technology 50%
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

I enjoy this plot though I do have one question....would it be at all possible to put the kings/heads of each pantheons on an equal playing field with each other just doesn't seem right to have one deity having power over other, just as worshipped or powerful deities.
Interesting setup, but is there a story involved here? You didn't actually share any actual plot ideas here, just world-building (which is good, but not sufficient).
daeronjames Topic Starter

ConnanBell wrote:
Interesting setup, but is there a story involved here? You didn't actually share any actual plot ideas here, just world-building (which is good, but not sufficient).
I only thought about putting the setup. I'll add the plot so far between me and the only other person that's roleplayed with me for several months.
Raider-jack29 wrote:
I enjoy this plot though I do have one question....would it be at all possible to put the kings/heads of each pantheons on an equal playing field with each other just doesn't seem right to have one deity having power over other, just as worshipped or powerful deities.
- Having them all equal would be an interesting dynamic for power struggle. However in the roleplay, we had it based off of their abilities that we accepted, and a history that we created revolving around how things became the way they are now. Such as the biblical story Exodus being a real case where christian God slayed all of the Egyptian ones. In many cultures, the power is divided throughout the gods, god of earth, air, water, etc. However gods from cultures that accept only a single God such as Christianity, have all those abilities and more. We try to be fair in the power adjustments among-st the gods, however the two of us don't have any personal interest in some of the cultures around the world. It would be perfectly reasonable to balance out power for multigod based cultures, however I think that it's fair that a culture that accepts only a single god, would have a more powerful god in a hypothetical scenario.
Sorry it's just a small conflict with personal beliefs you see each pantheon has a leader that these acient peoples identified as the best and most powerful and masters of the world, which is incredibly comparable to the Christ/Jewish/ Islamic perspectives of god. Each had a leader that they believed was all powerful and the one true leader god. By your definition and by definition of certain ancient cults or religious groups that would mean that all leaders of pantheons/councils (depending on what you prefer to call them)
Are quite powerful deities themselves, this comes in close conflict with the fact that these gods and their ideals had existed thousands of years before the prophets Abraham, Muhammad (probably spelled that wrong), or Jesus of nazerath, even expressed their ideals.
I'm going on a tangent sorry.
The point is that I love your plot idea and story but my own personal beliefs in religious equality are holding me back.
And I'd love some reassurance that atleast the heads of the ancient and powerful pantheons are put on the same playing field as ,yaweh,jahova, or Allah(again depending). I only ask this because it seems like a reasonable expectation that the rulers/Heads of each pantheon be treated with the respect they deserve.
But if it's that much trouble I'll just start my own rp.
Raider-jack29 wrote:
Sorry it's just a small conflict with personal beliefs you see each pantheon has a leader that these acient peoples identified as the best and most powerful and masters of the world, which is incredibly comparable to the Christ/Jewish/ Islamic perspectives of god. Each had a leader that they believed was all powerful and the one true leader god. By your definition and by definition of certain ancient cults or religious groups that would mean that all leaders of pantheons/councils (depending on what you prefer to call them)
Are quite powerful deities themselves, this comes in close conflict with the fact that these gods and their ideals had existed thousands of years before the prophets Abraham, Muhammad (probably spelled that wrong), or Jesus of nazerath, even expressed their ideals.
I'm going on a tangent sorry.
The point is that I love your plot idea and story but my own personal beliefs in religious equality are holding me back.
And I'd love some reassurance that atleast the heads of the ancient and powerful pantheons are put on the same playing field as ,yaweh,jahova, or Allah(again depending). I only ask this because it seems like a reasonable expectation that the rulers/Heads of each pantheon be treated with the respect they deserve.

We do give the head gods a great deal of power, and we do try to respect their given descriptions from the stand point of each individual culture. However, in the process of creating a universe where all these gods coexisted, we had to filter through the many descriptions of them and their power, and picked reasonable values which we thought worked well for their character. Head gods do have large amounts of power, especially creation gods. I understand why you would want them all to be equal, from a stand point of equality, the way we have it is not fair. However, the way we have them organized, and the way we have their abilities represented, we feel creates an interesting story and dynamic which is not present in a world full of equal deities. This is not to say however that the gods are simply put on a scale and that's the extend of their abilities. Each head god is unique in their own right, and has things that separate them from each other. We feel having a universe where there's a pile of the same gods, with almost identical descriptions from various cultures is boring, and hard to work around. We fixed this by picking the gods that held our interest the most, and created a history that revolved around their differences. One of those being their power. As I said earlier, it's also important to note that the descriptions of every god do describe different things they are capable of doing. Such as a christian or islamic God, who is infinite in his abilities and powers. This is different from a greek or pagan god, that is assigned a specific task, even if it is the leader of it's pantheon. We tried to base the gaps in their power off of both interest, and description. I do see where you're coming from, but we find it more gripping this way.
Is it atleast agreeable that the only people taking any (direct )action in this rp is the polytheistic gods?
Raider-jack29 wrote:
Is it atleast agreeable that the only people taking any (direct )action in this rp is the polytheistic gods?
Yes, our christian God is very inactive during our roleplays. He rarely has direct influence on the story other than through his followers(which he has no direct contact with anyways). He was active during the first days of creation, but during the time of the roleplay, the polytheistic gods are the gods that the story is focused on.
Well then count me interested...I love me some good mythology
Do we have to be a specific god/monster/etc from mythology? Or could we be an oc that's a type of creature, such as how Enid's a demon.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Dawn of Darkness Chronicles (closed)

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