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Forums » Art & Creativity » Kudos


For the people who helped us get to 2400 tonight get a free picture.
  1. Sanne
  2. Loki
  3. Celestina Grey
  4. Ruu
  5. Darth
  6. Dingoz
  7. Phrost
  8. Sera
  9. Rubix
Me? :)
The Arab (played by CelestinaGrey)

Attempt Iris? If you do a fullbody, you can BS the pants pattern. xD
Gabriel (played by Loki)

Gabey! Please? <3 <3 <3 <3 You're awesome!
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne)

Good job Lilypie. I'm proud of your kudos accomplishment and you may have the honor of drawing Sinnice in her cloak! But only if you want to and give me a kiss. *points at cheek*
Remy (played by Rubix)

Me chere?
Edwin LeBlanc (played by SeraphicStar)

Lily spreads love and then spreads kindness. Tsk! You make the rest of us look bad. <3
I think i just want a Dingo XD
TheLily Topic Starter

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