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Forums » Looking for RP » Meet cute~ The Terrence family (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Good versus Evil (played by Guardian_Girl)

Hey everyone, I'm wanting to do a meet cute with anywhere from one to all four of these characters. They're profiles aren't complete yet, but I have the gist of them done. Don't really have any plot ideas, but setting would be modern. They can fit in a fantasy world or a normal one, so any character is fine.
The Arsenette Family (played by Orrik_Zynn)

multi family Rp?
The Arsenette's are human with no magic/supernatural abilities but i've been considering adding some if you are interested let me know~
Good versus Evil (played by Guardian_Girl) Topic Starter

I am very interested in a multi family rp.
Good versus Evil (played by Guardian_Girl) Topic Starter

Still looking for people~

I can use both Ventus and Umbra for this, seeing as they're family. I just don't know about taking the Good or Evil side.
Good versus Evil (played by Guardian_Girl) Topic Starter

They look good, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by that last part.

I don't want you to use all four of the characters, but I'm having a hard time picking Vanilla and Ness, or Riot and Virus.
Good versus Evil (played by Guardian_Girl) Topic Starter

Ah, okay, I see. I'm fine with using either set, and I can edit ages and stuff if necessary.

Vanilla and Ness, Yeah, that's good.
Good versus Evil (played by Guardian_Girl) Topic Starter


PM or IC Chat?
Good versus Evil (played by Guardian_Girl) Topic Starter

Pm please.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Meet cute~ The Terrence family (closed)

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