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Forums » Looking for RP » D&D 5e Campaign: Looking for DM & Players (Closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I am currently part of a small group (two others) of RPRians who are looking to begin a campaign that focuses on adventure and the search for knowledge over combat, utilizing smaller quests and character building through RPing in place of just one major quest. We planning to use several rule variants to make the gameplay more realistic or entertainingly challenging. These will be listed below. We also plan to use some homebrew (such as the Runeseeker class and School of Spectra Wizard subclass), but do not want OP homebrew. Overall, this will be up to the DM's discretion. We are looking for a DM who is willing to lead us in our adventures, as well as two one other characters to join. If we are unable to find a DM that is a good fit for our group, the position will default to me.

We will be using roll20 and RPR for mechanical and roleplaying needs. We will have flexible response lengths so that we can have faster response times, favoring a more live chat style apposed to forum style. The sessions will be once a week, with the day to be determined by the group after we have the players and/or DM. The start date is currently unconfirmed, but we are expecting to start about a month from now or when we have gathered the players we need.

If you are an interested DM
We are looking for a DM who is timely and organized. We ask that the DM displays patience with the other players in gameplay as well as willing to answer questions. We understand how much is being put on the DM for this campaign, and are willing to help when asked. The point of the campaign is to be able to explore the area, even if limited to one country or continent. This means the DM will need to be able to keep up with the group's movement in the game, and not force the party down their pre-set paths as done in some more structured D&D campaigns. This is a game of exploration and adventuring, after all. As we will ask of the players, please be courteous. Treating all characters the same is important.

If you are an interested Player
We are looking for players who are willing to, above all, have fun in the group. We ask that the players are timely and organized. As we asked the DM, Players are expected to play well with others IC and OC. You should keep your characters in character, not breaking character for personal gain. Players should be willing to ask for help if needed. One important aspect is that all players display patience with one another as well as with the DM. We are already stacking the DM's plate high, and players will need to be respectful of that.


Climb onto a bigger creature (DMG p271-272)
Shove aside (DMG p271-272)
Alternatives to Epic Boons (DMG p230)
Crafting a Magic Item (DMG p128)
Encumbrance (PHB p176)
Feats PHB p165)
Healer’s Kit Dependency (DMG p266)
Hitting Cover (DMG p272)
Injuries (DMG p272) **Possible changes to the table, discussion with DM required
Milestone Experience (DMG p261)
More Difficult Magic Item Identification (DMG p136)
Disarm (DMG p271)
Overrun (DMG p271-272)
Tumble (DMG p271-272)
Fear (DMG p266)
Horror (DMG p266)
Massive Damage (DMG p273)
Slow Natural Healing (DMG p267)
Scroll Mishaps (DMG p140)
Mixing potions (DMG p140)
Planar Effects (DMG p50-66)
Equipment Sizes (PHB p145)
Training to Gain Levels (DMG p131) **This is undecided, and up to the DM

Current Players
-Myself (Gnome Runeseeker)
-Trackstar (Gnome Wizard)
-JayBird (Half-orc Fighter)
-The_Bored_Juggler (Human Sorcerer)
-[Empty Player/DM character position]
-[Empty DM position]

Details: Character sheets & strict mechanics, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.


Are you still open for another character? I have been hunting down a campaign for some of mine and don't have any luck.
I could be a player if you want?
I would like to play. Not DM though. Here's my character let me know what i need to add etc. Boe Giboe on the RP Repository

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » D&D 5e Campaign: Looking for DM & Players (Closed)

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