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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for 1x1 roleplay partner (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I am a 20 year old female, living in denmark, spending my time working, hanging with friends and generally just what makes me happy. I have some experience when it comes to roleplaying but I haven't done it for quite a few years so I might be a little rusty. :$

Anyway, let's get started.

I'm open for most genres and plots as long as it leaves room for character development and some nation building. It doesn't have to be extreme but I like to discuss and plan out a few minor details about the world around us before starting.
I'm very fond of plots that involve post-apocalyptic themes, rebellions, super-powers, etc.

Romance is essential for me but only as a subplot. I am not, in any way, interested in a plot that primarilly focuses on romance. I just need it to be there to support the character development, keep stuff exciting, and so on. On that note, I only do MxF as the main pairing - no reason why. I don't mind LGBT+ characters or pairings on the side. If we double up I wouldn't mind doing one LGBT pairing and one straight wither. As for gender preferences, I don't care.

I'm open to most things but I do have a few limits. I do NOT roleplay animals, vampires, werewolves or any form of incest. But that's about it.

As for my roleplay style it varies alot depending on who I'm roleplaying with but I enjoy fairly detailed rolepays. And of course, no oneliners, no powerplaying, don't just stick to one character and so on. You know the drill!

Okay, I think that's it. If you're interested or have any question feel free to contact me!

Lots of love,

Hey there.
I was looking through the forums, saw your post and thought I would see if you would be interested in trying out a new plot development that I have been coming up with. Or rather, it is still developing. I have had it for about a year now. Based on what you posted I think it would definitely be something you would be interested in and your writing ethics fit too. Anyways, send me a message back if you want to know the plot. I don't know how many PM's you have gotten so I don't want to overwhelm you.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for 1x1 roleplay partner (closed)

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