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Forums » Looking for RP » Modern Fantasy RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


So, I'm trying this again... I want to try my new character Isun. As the title says, it would be a modern fantasy RP. It would be a 1x1 RP in PMs.

he plot: One day, a new student comes to the college. He looks very shy, and he doesn 't talk much to anyone. He always sits at the back of the classroom, alone. But it looks like there is something more about him, like he os hiding something...

I know, there is not much in the plot, but I want it to be a little bit mysterious... So if you want to RP with me, PM me or message me here ;)

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Hey, if you'd like, I can try this out with you. It sure sounds fun to me! Nothing wrong with a little mysterious twist at times. :)
laserdragon111 Topic Starter

IAmCactus wrote:
Hey, if you'd like, I can try this out with you. It sure sounds fun to me! Nothing wrong with a little mysterious twist at times. :)
Thanks! :) Which character would you like to use?
Well, as soon as I get out of school, I'll be putting up a new character to use this for.

IF that's okay with you. :D
laserdragon111 Topic Starter

It is totally fine! :) Just let me know when you are ready ;)
I'm SO sorry about the hold! I'm basically ready now. :P
laserdragon111 Topic Starter

It is okay :) And, you said that you would create a new character for this RP... Is it created yet? And if yes, can you tell me which one of your character is it? :)
It is. It's Erica.

I kind of drew a bit of a blank at first, and I still have to add a few things onto her.
Just to explain her personality to you now, it's mostly quiet and curious.

I kept falling asleep yesterday so I kept getting off track.
laserdragon111 Topic Starter

I totally understand you... I fall asleep while on this site almost every night, and when I wake up, I realize that I wrote over 50 letters that make no sense XD And now, should I send you a PM with the starter?
Well, that's not healthy! >.<

And yes, please. I'd much appreciate that. I may or may not respond immediately because I'm about to head to my next period in school; P.E. Save me-
laserdragon111 Topic Starter

:D okay, I will send it to you ASAP ;)
Ah, alright! Thank you! :D
laserdragon111 Topic Starter

Already sent :)
May I join? ^.^
Lilly Black (played by LillyBlack79)

hello i would like to join

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Modern Fantasy RP (closed)

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