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Forums » Looking for RP » Seeking a God/Goddess of Destruction (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Edit: all races welcome!

Greetings! The universe is a vast place, filled with more worlds than can be counted, and new ones are formed every single day. Somewhere, though, without rhyme or reason, someone is going around destroying these worlds with frightful ease.

The person responsible is YOUR CHARACTER, and it's up to my cast of fighters, lead by Hiro Toriyama, to do what they can to try and stop them from destroying the earth.
Now then, here's how this will work:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to retool one of your characters into our RP universe's god/goddess of destruction (as defined by the Dragon Ball Super series). This setup will have intense (but often one-sided) combat, but it's meant to be mostly a character-interaction based story.

    They must love their job of wreaking destruction
    Must be made to be powerful enough to blow up whole worlds with ease
    They must have something they like enough to be bribed with (food, jewels, comics, it doesn't matter what it is as long as it exists)
    They must start off the hugely overpowered. (Hiro and his friends will find ways to catch up over time)
    Player must be a solid writer with good grammar and spelling
    Hiro is straight, so any romance with him will have to be straight as well (he's also under-aged, so tread carefully)
    This is not a competition between our characters. This is only meant to be fun for everyone! Woo!!

    Your character having a handler/assistant (ask if you want clarification)
    Teacher-student relationship
    Romance (we can figure something out for younger characters)
    Other divine or mortal characters
    Temporary world domination

Feel create or retool and existing character for this setup! Expect action, humor, large-scale destruction, and strategy. Step right up! This is gonna be epic!
Magic 60%
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Technology 90%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat 70%
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Kray Beach (played by Draken901)

I actually JUST created a villain/anti-hero I could use for RPs a while ago. And boy, does Kray Beach fit the bill rather nicely. That is, if your willing to add a soul eating witch who trades with patrons and conducts curses and dark rituals to have her way (as well as being deceptive and manipulative as all crap.) into the DB universe. Maybe for this you could have her when she finally becomes a full fledged Devilish Patron.

Though, I haven't really watched dragon ball in a long time, as well as I haven't been able to watch super. So... I could be INCREDIBLY rusty with this.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell) Topic Starter

Kray Beach wrote:
I actually JUST created a villain/anti-hero I could use for RPs a while ago. And boy, does Kray Beach fit the bill rather nicely. That is, if your willing to add a soul eating witch who trades with patrons and conducts curses and dark rituals to have her way (as well as being deceptive and manipulative as all crap.) into the DB universe. Maybe for this you could have her when she finally becomes a full fledged Devilish Patron.

Though, I haven't really watched dragon ball in a long time, as well as I haven't been able to watch super. So... I could be INCREDIBLY rusty with this.

Sent a PM!
Are you still looking for people to rp with? I don't really know anything about DB, but I might have a character that would fit.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell) Topic Starter

Guardian_Girl wrote:
Are you still looking for people to rp with? I don't really know anything about DB, but I might have a character that would fit.

I very much am! Sending PM!!
Hiro (played by ConnanBell) Topic Starter

Hiro (played by ConnanBell) Topic Starter

bump 2.0
Hiro (played by ConnanBell) Topic Starter

Still seeking!
Arena Exitium (played by maxd234)

Hmmm sounds interesting...maybe this character would suit your fancy?
Hiro (played by ConnanBell) Topic Starter

Arena Exitium wrote:
Hmmm sounds interesting...maybe this character would suit your fancy?

Very much so. Expect a PM within the next couple of days.
Hello everyone
Hiro (played by ConnanBell) Topic Starter

Buckles wrote:
Hello everyone

Hello. Did you want to submit a character for this?
Maybe I I'll be able to fit into your goddess of distruction? I do love making things blow up and having the world at my fingertips *grins evilly*
Maybe I I'll be able to fit into your goddess of distruction? I do love making things blow up and having the world at my fingertips
Hiro (played by ConnanBell) Topic Starter

Savanna wrote:
Maybe I I'll be able to fit into your goddess of distruction? I do love making things blow up and having the world at my fingertips *grins evilly*

Hmm. Promising. I'll sheet you a PM as soon as I can.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Seeking a God/Goddess of Destruction (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus