Luna jumped and looked at Zion and then Alex she didn't know what was going to happen and didn't know if she should get Alex's attention or not she looked back and forth between the two
I smirk I keep looking straight ahead but I reply in a deep surprising angered tone
"Nothing just your retarded face that's all"
"Nothing just your retarded face that's all"
Zion got up and stormed off to Alex's desk. "You're the one whose face is ugly, with your emo ass self covering your entire face." He replied, in an angered tone. This time Zion was actually angry, as he was easy to make angry.
"Zion, go take a breather outside." The theater teacher said sternly, Zion stormed off outside, slamming the door. A few students chuckled
"Zion, go take a breather outside." The theater teacher said sternly, Zion stormed off outside, slamming the door. A few students chuckled
Luna watched this all and started shaking she got scared easily and didn't know what to do or say she looked at Alex a little trying to read his expression
Vidia giggled a little, "Don't worry about him, he was there last year. He has anger issues." Vidia was trying to stop herself from laughing out loud, she buried her face in her sleeve
Luna watched Alex and Vidia but continued to draw looking around a little
She smiled, "Just try to ignore him, don't say anything back when he starts an outburst honestly, it will just make him even more angry." She suggested.
She smiled a little, and rested her head on her desk, sketching a few little things on a piece of paper.
A few minutes later, Zion returned to the class.
A few minutes later, Zion returned to the class.
Luna continued to draw occasionally looking up at Alex and then going back to her drawing
I would glance at zion quickly so then he dosent notice The I look at the luna is drawing I admire her art skills
Luna didn't notice anyone watching her draw so she continued and then came to stop admiring her drawing of (drum roll please ) Alex she smiled a little not even noticing that alex was looking at her
Zion walks back to his table, and puts on his headphones, this time not loud enough for the rest of the class to hear. He nods his head slightly to the beat as he listens.
I stay silent as she I feel my face turn red I look away and my hair covers my face I look down staring at my desk.
Luna looked up at Alex unsure if she noticed her or not and then blushed a lot
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