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Forums » Introductions » These are always so awkward

Hello there fine reader(s)! My name is Lightning_Kat and I have always found these introduction posts quite awkward. Now I am aware I could have simply skipped this, but that just felt rude to do. So, after many days of procrastination, I have finally posted this introduction. Here. In this forum. I'm not helping my case, so how about we move one shall we? Yes? Good.

awkward pause

Right. So I have been roleplaying off and on for now for 5+ years both within the forum setting as well as the tabletop variation. However the only system I'm really used to is the pathfinder D20. Good times. Regardless, I hope to create some good characters and stories here with everybody.

awkward pause

Yeeeeah. So how is everybody doing?
Hey Lightning, welcome to RPR! :)

Do you have any questions? :P
Lightning_Kat Topic Starter

Thank you! I appreciate the welcome! :)

Nope, no questions here! :D
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Wwwwwwwelcome my dear!!
Welcome to the site! :3
Welcome to the site! Please feel free to look at my characters. ^^ Always up to help out new comers in rping.

Hope you have a magical time!

You'll find all sorts of RP here, the Looking for RP forum is your best bet :)
Welcome to RPR!

I've actually never played it fun?
Heya Kat! You should make some characters here if you haven't already so you can start rping!
Lightning_Kat Topic Starter

Thank you all for the welcoming feeling bestowed upon me! :)

Yersinia wrote:
It is indeed! It's pretty much a simplified version of D&D, or so I've been told. From my experience it's pretty first time friendly without a whole lot of complicated rules.

Hi and welcome to rpr. :)
Kim Site Admin

I learned on the Pathfinder system too, when it came to tabletop! I really enjoyed it. :D I'm trying to get good enough at D&D 5e to run a proper game right now.

How have you been enjoying the site so far? :D


A newcomer, I see?




Hello and welcome to the lovely site RP Repository. Welcome to the world of different races, unusual---No, unique---names. Everything about everyone here is unique in their own way.

If you are a beginner to roleplay and you need help, or if you just want to learn the ways of this lovely website, you can go here and it will surely help you, as it helped me!

Have fun here! ^_^ :star:
Ah, you're into 'that' kind of roleplaying then. I delve in the story-writing ones. Mostly modern settings, but I digress.

Welcome to this place where all kinds of everything come together!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » These are always so awkward

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