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Forums » Introductions » Nice to meet you!

I've been roleplaying via forums/text, MMOs, and tabletop RPGs (read as: D&D) for about a decade now. My favorite aspect is world building and exploring character development.

A few years ago, I gave up running an RP guild in Guild Wars 2 in favor of focusing on work, school, and digital art. Currently, I RP privately in long-text form with a few friends and also via art over on Deviantart with a few 'closed species' groups.

While my main character is an anthro creature, my 'side mains' are a tiefling and a dwarf that I created for D&D campaigns and adapt into various other campaigns or settings. Other than that, I've got WAY TOO MANY minor characters that are usually some kind of bird or deer creature with human caretakers. I really love fantasy settings with a bit of realism and some magic, but bonus points if there are intelligent animal companions!

I'm interested in meeting new folks and discovering new worlds!
Hey herondreams, welcome to RPR! :)

I am new to this as well. I haven't played any D&D in quite some time and thought it would be cool to check this place out!
Hello and welcome to RPR! I hope you make lots of friends and enjoy your time here!
Kim Site Admin

Welcome to the RPR! :D I look forward to learning all about your characters. :D How are you finding the site so far? Do you have any questions we can help out with? :)

Hope you have a magical time!

You'll find all sorts of RP here, the Looking for RP forum is your best bet :)

Hello and welcome! This is a great site and I'm positive you will have a great time here. The people are friendly and the RPs will surely be amazing as well. <3
herondreams Topic Starter

Thank you for all your kind replies! I'll be trying to get a few more character sheets up this weekend.

Welcome to RPR!! :)


A newcomer, I see?




Hello and welcome to the lovely site RP Repository. Welcome to the world of different races, unusual---No, unique---names. Everything about everyone here is unique in their own way.

If you are a beginner to roleplay and you need help, or if you just want to learn the ways of this lovely website, you can go here and it will surely help you, as it helped me!

Have fun here! ^_^ :star:
welcome to RPR!

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